Need some help - Over the counter in the southwest


Jan 26, 2012
So this year I ended up skunked on elk tags in multiple states, and all the hunting talk has me wanting to get in the field anyway.

Anyone have some suggestions for states/areas where I can grab an over the counter deer tag and have reasonable access to land to hunt?

I'm not waiting another year.. . it's killing me...

Always a great back up! Cheap and year round!
Just wished I knew someone that would grant me permission to hunt them!
Colorado has a OTC license that is coming up Saturday but i would call the CDOW for information but i have a couple friends that are leaving Today to go to Gunnison on OTC hunts for Bull Elk! Drove back from Denver yesterday and saw numerous racks hanging from the back of pick ups plus numerous Game Wardens dragging horses :) up and down I25 :grin: ... nsing.aspx
Hunting Texas piggies is or can be a hassle. Landowners are starting to understand just how much money can be made putting on hunts.

And there is very little public land in Texas to hunt on...and it's all down south. And their laws concerning private property are getting tougher.
Thanks for the feedback.. I have a few friends out in Texas, might be worth seeing if I can find a lease.
Not in the southwest, but Washington has a LOT of public land to hunt, and over-the-counter elk & deer tags.

Non-resident fees are high though.
