New .25-06 finally!! Pics Added!!


Beautiful rifle! Congratulations again.

That is a beautiful rifle. The stock work is especially nice. I do love a gorgeous piece of wood on a rifle. It looks as if it is well built. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
260fan":3tp9yg0l said:
Sounds like a wonderful package you have put together. Curious as to how long you had to wait for it? Best wishes with it and we wait to hear a report on the hunt.

The whole process has taken almost four years to get to this stage. I bought the action then waited almost nine months for the stock. Richards Microfit is terribly slow to ship a stock. I ordered it from their factory 2nd list but they didn't have the one I ordered to ship me, found this out after I waited 8 weeks for it to show up. I asked for a refund and they told me that they were going to do a run of Mauser 98 stocks and if they got a second they would let me have the stock for the same price. Well several months later I got the stock you see.

I was going to try and fit the action to the stock but realized it was a job I didn't have the tools or the skill to tackle the final inletting for the double triggers. So I took it to the gunsmith who put it together in Sep 2006, he gave me a lead time of six months till he would start working on it which I said was fine and told me he would have it done in around 18 months. I paid roughly 75% up front since I was a new customer, and went my merry way.

About nine months later I went back because I had saved up the remainder of the money, and was getting ready to go to AK for a bear hunt and figured I might blow it if I got the chance so I paid him the remainder. Big Mistake on my part because then he pretty much put my rifle to the back of the pile. I went back at the end of 18 months to see if my rifle was near completion and he hadn't done much other than test fit the barrel to my action.

So another six months go by and I go back again because he had not called to tell me to pick up my rifle. He had the barreled action completed by had not worked my stock. He told me that Frank Bisio (hope I spelled that correctly) of Heritage Walnut owed him a favor and was going to fit the barreled action and rough shape the stock for me (free of charge), but was waiting for him to get back from Africa to do the work. So I waited another six months and went back, and was told Frank couldn't get to it. At that time I told him just to get the barreled action inletted and bedded in the stock and then send it off for Gun Kote.

I went back this June before I left for my summer AT with the Reserves and he still hadn't done what I asked. I told him in no uncertain terms that I wanted my rifle for this pronghorn season and that nearly three years was long enough. Well he called me on Thursday to tell me the rifle was ready to go, I got there and the Gun Kote still wasn't done. He told me he was leaving for AK to guide Moose and wouldn't be back until the first week of Oct for me to pick up the rifle if he sent it off for the metal finish. I decided to take the rifle as is and have him give me another receipt for the Gun Kote he owed me.

So after my late pronghorn hunt in December I'll take it back to him to have the Gun Kote applied. At that time I'll finish up the stock myself since I never paid to have any work done to it except to have it inletted and my action bedded. I couldn't afford the price he quoted me to have the stock finished so I had opted out of that from the beginning.

After the Gun Kote is finished I'll wash my hands of him and never have him build me a rifle or do any work for me again. I used him in the first place because I bought a used .338-06 that he had built for a local guy and love how well that rifle shoots. So I went to him when I wanted to start on my first custom build.

Sorry for the "rant" but once I get started I have to tell the whole story.
Wow, that is a tragic story. You were more than patient with the smith. It is a crying shame when a smith does good work, but they are less than candid about their time. I can certainly understand not wanting to go back, however. Hopefully, the rifle will be all that you wanted and expected when you get the chance to hunt with it.
Antelope_Sniper":1kq4yvdk said:
Reminds me of a couple of Wyoming gunsmiths....the do good work.. when they want to.

Exactly right! I don't really think that the smith I chose wants to work on rifles anymore, he would rather work on Harleys now.
Well this defiantly isn’t how I wanted my first custom build to go. I was taking apart my rifle tonight to relieve the barrel channel to so that I wouldn’t have the stock interfering with the barrel. Well I accidently dropped the stock from about 3’ to the floor and well the picture says it all!


Anyone got a spare commercial Mauser 98 stock laying around that they want to part with?
Wow, I'd almost say there was a flaw in the wood. That definitely should not have broken in that manner. Dings? Yeah, we've all put a few souvenirs on our stocks. But a break like that is not what I would have expected.
I can't believe it! I'm wondering if there was a hair line crack in the stock already. I am really sorry man.

There are some nice stocks from people like Boyd's. Check with Richracer1, I think ha has a Boyd's on one of his RUMs.

Aw Man!!! That project is cursed!! You best bring all te pieces to an exorcist!!! Wear a rabbits foot a clove of Garlic and a keep midway and Brownells on speed dial.

Seriously- I am sorry. Just dont know what to say....CL
Well all is not lost! A great guy over on 24hr Campfire gave me an old used stock for a commercial 98 action. I finished inletting and have the rifle the acraglass curing as I write this. I have two loads worked up I hope to test this weekend, 110 grain Accubonds (traded my 100gr NBT's for them) and 117 Sierra Pro Hunters. Both being pushed by H4831SC. However I have some RL-22 that I picked up over the long weekend in Tulsa I'm itching to try, and was even able to get some primers bought while I was there. :grin:

Cursed or not I'll be using this rifle soon!
Good deal taylorce1.
Post some pics when you get her put together.

I have a hunch that this is going to turn out to be your lucky rifle. :grin:

I saw where Boyd's was having a sale. They had some laminated 98 Mauser stocks for under $100.00 .
1Shot":2pqbbv1q said:
I saw where Boyd's was having a sale. They had some laminated 98 Mauser stocks for under $100.00 .

I saw that as well however I was given this stock:

I hope the picture shows up as I can't see them at work and copied the code off of another forum.

I think this stock must have been on a rifle with a front barrel band as there is no sling swivel in the forearm. The barrel channel was almost opened up perfectly for my #5 contour. It only took about 30 min to open up the barrel channel enough to bed the action; the bottom metal took quite a bit longer. Don't know if it was an actual Whitworth stock even though that is what the recoil pad says it has as well a nice color case hardened grip cap. In a lot of ways it is much nicer than the stock that I had originally purchased and should be a much stronger stock.

I went ahead and full length bedded the rifle instead of free floating the barrel. I chose the full length bed over just doing the action after talking with Kevin Weaver of Weaver Rifles, who full length beds everything unless asked otherwise by his customers. I’ve seen how some of Kevin’s rifles shoot and I can’t argue with the results he gets.