New Hog Record


May 12, 2005
Now before anyone thinks this is another "Hogzilla" type story, it isn't. Atleast not like the latest "Hogzilla" story anyway.
Monday night, four of set out to harvest some hogs one of the guys had seen while photographing Vandenberg AFB wildlife the previous Saturday and again on Sunday evenings. Anyway, two hogs came out, I sat down and cross haired the brown one, when the photog guy got my attention that the third hog was coming out. WOW, his back was at least 6 - 8" above the other two. The third guy was coming up behind us very slowly, careful not to spook the hogs. He sat down, I told him I wanted the large one. I called the shot, and almost simultaneously, we both shot. I heard the distinct bullet/animal impact sound of each bullet. I was using a 45 cal CVA Optima Pro muzzleloader w/180 saboted bullet. He was using his 50 Cal T/C Omega with a saboted 250gn Hornady SST. After the field dressing and pictures, we took them to get weighed. His hog was a 180lb boar, mine was a 288lb boar. This monster is a new wild hog record for Vandenberg AFB, CA.

That's me on the right w/the all black gun.

Proof, so no one can call BS.


Nice hogs. Congratulations on the new base record.
Should be a great BBQ!

Very nice,I have always wanted to go to Vandenberg and hunt hogs. Guess I will just have to hunt the moose here on Elmendorf and Eielson :wink:

Thanks guys. I do have one update to make. After talking with the VAFB Sr. Conservation Officer, it appears this isn't the largest hog ever taken on base. I guess there was a 500lb hog take way back when. So, I'll take the largest VAFB hog taken with a muzzle loader title.
Nice hog!! If you other AF guys ever get stationed at Robins, you can hunt hogs on the base with ml or shotguns also. In the summer time, they root up the golf course pretty bad so they allow hunting all year. It was a lot of fun, but now i'm suffering at Buckley left to hunt mulies, elk, yotes, and prarie dogs. It's a rough life I tell ya! :p