New/Old 30-06


Dec 26, 2007
A very close friend of mine was given a 30-06 that a gunsmith made for him years ago and he never shot it. He did not take care of it either, some surface rust issues but cleaned up pretty good. Anyway, it is built on a Mauser 98 Action with a 24" barrel. He said I don't shoot nor hunt anymore and since I never used this one, you take it.

When I cleaned the bore it took only three patches and very little blue so the gunsmith fired it but my friend never did. I will have fun with it. I put my Leupold FX II 6x36mm fixed scope on it and will develop some loads for it and hunt with it some this fall.





Vince":3iee9fob said:
Gorgeous rifle.
You going to bring it to Arizona for a coues deer?

Yes, if I get a 165gr to shoot well and around 2900fps and if so will be a back up unless it really shoots well and then the 7mm08 will be my back up or I might just switch each day. But it has got to shoot good.
Very neat, Mike. That is certainly a generous gift. Great looking rifle, to boot.
DrMike":1v1n579q said:
Very neat, Mike. That is certainly a generous gift. Great looking rifle, to boot.

Thanks, and yes it is a very generous gift
Nice rifle, seems to be in great shape as well, I'll bet she'll shoot just fine,

That's a gorgeous rifle in a great caliber, but then you know that. What an awesome gift. 165 gr. Accubonds or Partitions and IMR4350 or H4350 will hopefully get you there. They seem to be a fantastic combination. I really like your choice of optics too! Nothing wrong with a fixed 6x scope, nothing at all!
SJB358":1hq83oxf said:
Very cool rifle. Those old rebuilt Mausers are pretty special.
Ya and the Bishop stock with the roll over Monty Carlo style stock always adds class.
Wow a beautiful gun in a classic caliber! I would also try the various 150 grain Nosler bullets for deer as you'll shoot a little flatter that way and still have more than enough bullet for through and through penetration! A 150 grain AB or BT at 3k fps shoots very flat!

That FX-6 is a good scope chice too!

What a nice gift!
.300winmag":25xkxid7 said:
I really like that rifle, gorgeous wood! Great caliber to boot!

Yes, great caliber to boot for sure! :)
filmjunkie4ever":26pwrdfj said:
Wow a beautiful gun in a classic caliber! I would also try the various 150 grain Nosler bullets for deer as you'll shoot a little flatter that way and still have more than enough bullet for through and through penetration! A 150 grain AB or BT at 3k fps shoots very flat!

That FX-6 is a good scope chice too!

What a nice gift!

The only 150gr bullet I really like is the GS HV because I drive it 3150fps in a 22" barrel so I will be right at 3100 with this 24" barrel and do not have to worry as much with wind drift at 500 and 600yds. Other wise I will be using the 165gr which I like a lot better on any game up to Elk in a 30-06. Although I do love the 180gr Partition. Anyway, if it does not shoot good real quick and requires extra load work it will stay home and not go to Arizona on the coues hunt, because at 400-700yds a coues is a small target and I have a small kill area that I want to drop that bullet in for good shot placement - plus I do not have a lot of range time because of work before I go in Oct. I need 1/2" at worse at 100yds and really would like it under a 1/2", but we will see.
Yeah a .30-06 with any good bullet between 150-180 grains is really a good weapon. I usually don't run the 150's too hot even though I have clocked 3100 fps out of my 24" barrel with Hornady SPs before. I figure if I need a .270 that I should switch to one.

My Model 70 Classic shoots the 150 PTs, 165 ABs, 180 PTs the best. IMR and H4350 along with IMR 4064 have always shown the best results in my rifle. I have toyed with H414 and W760 as well. The ball powders shoot into hunting accuracy but don't group as tight as the stick powders in my gun.

Also recently I have seen that if I seat the bullets a little deeper (especially the Accubonds) they shoot a little better groups.

3.275-3.280" OAL is about as long as I dare go with any load, they just shoot better there in my gun.

Good luck!