new personal best... with a 270 wsm!


Feb 14, 2007
I shot this group tonight with ATM as a witness.

Going to check the same load again tomorrow and chrony them. Pretty dang excited!
My previous best was .197" with my 243 and some 105 A max. I did shoot a .064" three shot group with a gals benchrest rifle, but I don't count that because it was not my rifle.
I like it! Doesn't get much better.
I'm real interested in what the chrono shows you.
I shoot the 140AB with RL17 @ 3150

I've not shot a group like that from my Sako 270WSM

Great shooting!
Teknys":1ekj7176 said:
I like it! Doesn't get much better.
I'm real interested in what the chrono shows you.
I shoot the 140AB with RL17 @ 3150

I've not shot a group like that from my Sako 270WSM

Great shooting!


They might be a bit on the warm side. I'll also bring my calipers to measure the case heads just to make sure they are not expanding. They should be around the 3200 mark at least. If they are slower and shoot close to the same as the did this evening i'll keep it, that kind of accuracy is worth a lot of fps.
A fine job. A group that small is something all reloaders and shooters hope to achieve. I for one have not.

Where did the rest of the bullets go???? :grin:

Great shooting. I think load development is done...

Nicely done buddy! You are there for sure.

Wow! Jake I'm impressed! I can't even see the powder burns! :mrgreen:

Super group and superb shooting. You will have to laminate that group and carry it in your wallet. It is worthy of bragging.
nice group, lets us know what the chrony says especially the standard deviation aspect. if you are getting less than 10 fps deviation that would be awesome.
Thanks guys! I checked my case heads lastnight and they were not any bigger than some of the pieces that has not shot that load so i think i'm ok on that part. Will reshoot today and keep everybody posted.
Great shooting!! I may have to try some Retumbo in my 270 WSM with those 140 gr AB's. Thanks for sharing!!!
Great shooting Jake. Never messed with Retumbo in my 270WSM, but dang, I might have to monkey with it some. Looks like you are giving it a pretty good jump as well.. I just so happen to have a few 140 AB's kicking around, so I might be able to do something :twisted:
Teknys":375xpwtx said:
I like it! Doesn't get much better.
I'm real interested in what the chrono shows you.
I shoot the 140AB with RL17 @ 3150

I've not shot a group like that from my Sako 270WSM

Great shooting!
Yes, and love those Sakos !!!!!!!
That my friend is just some really incredible shooting!!!
I know it is a 270 WSM but what make rifle is that?


The left is a retry of the load that did so well yesterday. First two shots same hole, next two, broke my heart, last one went just above the first two making a nice .5" group. Not sure what would cause this :?: The part that is really bugging me is they were only doing 3130 fps. I'm going to retry this load again and see what happens. If it doesn't do any better, I have a RL-25 load that does 3175 and .5" groups I'll revisit.

On a side note, the STW shot great today! The group on the right is five 160 ABs doinf 3240. Pretty dang good for a 4-8 mph cross wind. I dialed up 600 and between ATM and myself we put three in 2" I'm going to have a hard time not shooting the barrel out of this in a few years, it is a blast to shoot!
I tried Retumbo in the very early days of the 270WSM, before published data was available, and it shot very well with a 69.3gr charge with a 150gr Sierra GameKing. Once Magpro hit the shelves, I never re-visited Retumbo or 150gr bullets in the 270WSM. The 140gr AccuBond at <3200fps is a stellar combination that could be considered the best all-around for common big game hunted in North America.