New question about targets


Mar 3, 2009
Sorry for what probably will be percieved as a very ignorant question (it is - I am extremely ignorant).

How are you supposted to use the targets with the 1 inch square and the the Targetting circles above it? Do you shoot at the sqaure with the intent of hitting the circle (i.e., set your reticle to shoot below POI) or vice versa? Is the point of this type of target to set your rifle to Max. Point Blank Range (MPBR)?

Got a package of these as a gift, but don't know how to use.
I don't know which type of target you are talking about but if it is like the Redfield sight in targets with the diamond in the middle with a 1 inch square grid. I aim at the center of the diamond and place my POI where I want it. I always sight in my deer hunting rifles POI 3 inches high at 100 yards. This gives me a point blank hold out to around 300 yards depending on the caliber. These type of targets also make it easy to adjust you windage. Most scopes have a 1/4 inch per click so you just count the inches on the grid and click the amount you need to zero.
Good question Bear Clan.

These targets are actually made for target shooting. The idea is to line your crosshairs up with one of the corners on the 1" square. Your point of impact is the center of the target. This way you are not shooting out the center of your aimpoint.
Thanks for the insight Antelope-sniper.

Not only did you answer my stated question, you also answered a "niggling" question I had at the back of my mind - namely, why a hollow square and not a hollow circle (i.e., the vertical and horizontal lines would be useful in helping one align one's crosshairs).