New Sendero 264 win mag


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Could not resist! Great price. Had on hand a short reply of 120 Bt's and 140 bergers. This is the kicker...... it came in today but due to work I can not pick it up. Made some random loads with rl 25 for antelope on Sunday. Will pick up tomorrow first thing in the morning mount scope at the range and setup! She is getting a picatinny 20 MOA base and Luepy 30mm LR scope with M1 dials for long range work. Can I possibly get lucky and use it on Sunday? If not no biggie. Got the 300 rum ready to go with the 210 Bergers and Ole Reliable 7mm mag with 160 AB's Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!



Wow! And another Remington! Consequently, I shot a Sendero chambered in 7mm RM a couple of weeks back, and I was officially impressed. Great accuracy from the get-go. Congratulations on a good looking rifle. Best of luck to you as you look for the goats this weekend.
I always thought I was a winchester fan but I went all the way to the back of the safe a while back and came up with mostly 700 Remingtons. Mine have all been excellent rifles as I am sure that this one will be. Looks sexy to!!!!!!
Most Sendero rifles shoot well, and the .264 seems like a great cartridge for a longer-range precision rifle! Cool.
it worked.....


140 berger at 3075fps RL25.

Wow, that is awesome! Unreal accuracy for them! Makes me wanna invest in one of them. I have been eyeballing 264's for awhile. Might have to wait till Winter or Spring or maybe next deployment. Scotty

Nice shooting. Good luck with the Speed Goats tomorow.
Looking forward to the details of the hunt along with the pictures.

Let's see, 140 VLD going a touch over 3000 fps for speed goats? No need for a knife for field dressing. You just pick them up by the hind legs and pour the mush on the inside out the HUGE exit hole. :mrgreen: I like the 264 Win mag. I have got 130 Accubonds going 3350 fps from my 27 3/4" Shilen barrel Rem 700. Talk about flat shooting and hammering white tail deer.
I will be shooting the 300 RUM.

My boy Stephan (14) will be shooting the 264 mag. Anna my daughter (10) has volunteered to gut them or at least try to! Here is a picture of them. Love them to death.

Here is Steph! And Anna.



You are a blessed man to have such lovely children who enjoy spending time with their dad. My heartiest congratulation on investing in their lives by encouraging them to share the hunt with you.
Man, I can't wait to hear of your boy zapping a poor, defenseless goat with that lightening rod! That should really put a smile on his face! He might not give up your 264 if he is too lucky! Scotty