New Tikka T3-Problems!!!!!!!!!


Mar 5, 2011
I just picked up a brand new Tikka T3, and when i got it home and opened the box i noticed some white and yellowish debris in the breach, when i looked in it i saw a ring of white caked on stuff all around the round opening of the breach, i have tried solvent but it wont come off, i am starting to think that i just got screwed and am now out 560 dollars, does anyone have any idea as to how i would get the stuff out of the rifle. Thanks
Wow, I have never seen that. I would call the Service Center just for peace of mind though. Have you tried Goo Gone, soap and water or alchohol? It sounds to me like Loctite, maybe from the barrel/action joint. If so, hot soap and water may remove it. Methylene Chloride is what one manufacturer recommends for removing it. You can get it at any paint store. Or maybe acetone?
Call the rep and ask him, if he does not really know, then send the rifle back to them an let them handle it, that is if they have a good warranty. I use to buy Sako rifles and owned two Tikka rifles, but not anymore and I have my own personal reasons which are just opinions and matter to me only. I sure hope you can get this worked out.
I would call and ask also, if nothing else to ease your mind.

But I suspect someone got a little excessive/sloppy with whatever they use for a packaging rust preventive,,,,or bolt race lube. It almost sounds like lithium grease, as it cakes with age. Solvent will cut it with the use of a larger bronze brush,,,but take a lot more time and effort with just a wet patch. But I would stick a soaked material (large patch) down in there, and let set a few hours, keeping the material wet, to soften., Then go at it with a brush, whatever size is snug in that area,,, .45 cal - 20ga.?
Worst case senario, it could be bluing salts that didn't get rinsed well enough, but kind of doubt that.
I took it back to Wholesale Sports where i got it, and they looked at it and had no idea what it was, so they are sending it back to Beretta for me so it can be fixed, they said some times they don't even fix them they just give you a new rifle, either way i am sure that they are going to make good on this for me, if not i will be one very pissed off person.
dezmick":21mosi84 said:
I took it back to Wholesale Sports where i got it, and they looked at it and had no idea what it was, so they are sending it back to Beretta for me so it can be fixed, they said some times they don't even fix them they just give you a new rifle, either way i am sure that they are going to make good on this for me, if not i will be one very pissed off person.

Hey way cool, glad you did this. They will more than likely send you another one but in any case you will be taken care of and feel better about the rifle. :mrgreen:
yeah so am I, it is just a little bit frustrating that i went and spent 560 dollars on something that i do not currently have, but i guess that there is always a reason for everything in life, so i will just wait and see what happens and hope it all works out for the best, just as long as i get it back pretty soon, they said probably about 2 to 4 weeks, which is fine cause it will still give me enough time to work up loads and go ans shoot it before Elk season.
IMO, if you took it back, and its still new, the dealer should of replaced it and gave you another, and let them send it back to Beretta . Thats what I would of requested.

One quick question...did you not look the rifle over before you purchased it?? :?

Should of been posted in the "Rifle" section...but doesnt matter
Well one thing they do at Sportsmans Warehouse sometimes that I am not particularly fond of is late you ogle the floor model and then bring one out that they taped up in a box and tell you that they cant let you touch it again until you walk it out of the store. So I could see where that inspection you want to do often gets denied.

But I agree with Mighty Peace, they should've given you a new rifle and changed the paperwork over for it and then they would be the ones waiting on a factory to return the rifle whenever it darn well pleases. I waited on Colt for three years to return a pistol to me. Finally the dealer where I bought it felt so bad that after all that time, I still didn't have my 45 back that he gave me my choice of equal value in the pistol case plus some in store credit.

Not trying to get you worried for not having your new rifle for hunting season, perhaps Beretta is better than some I have dealt with but just as a precaution, I would get another rifle lined up and ready just in case.
The problem is that once the rifle has been registered to someone, it has to be sold as used even if it has been sent back to a factory and repaired. The manufacturer can decide to repair/replace the rifle for the customer, but they have to destroy the existing one if it is not repairable. The retailer can't make that call.

The store has the option of buying it back or trading it for something else in the store, but will have a problem getting a warranty honored by the manufacturer. The warranty is for the end comsumer, not the retailer. The only "hammer" the retailer has is to stop carrying the product.

Just another problem associated with registering guns. This is another reason why I dropped my FFL quite a few years ago.
Yeah thats true, hadn't thought of that Ackley. Makes sense for the retailer. This world we live in and the second rate products we give honest money for make for a tight spot on both sides. Quantity is the new quality and I dont like it.

The last 50 years have seen a lot changes for the worst in both legislation and economy. What are we to do? I won't give up, EVER. But until we as a country begin to be ran by intelligent, uncorrupted, educated decision-making, we will not only stay in a rut, but be digging a deeper hole for ourselves. I'm no politician but I know that what we are doing isn't working.

Enough of that, don't want to hijack this thread and turn it into a political propaganda page. We get enough of that disgusting sledge on the news every night.
dezmick":15yi1dbd said:
I just picked up a brand new Tikka T3, and when i got it home and opened the box i noticed some white and yellowish debris in the breach, when i looked in it i saw a ring of white caked on stuff all around the round opening of the breach, i have tried solvent but it wont come off, i am starting to think that i just got screwed and am now out 560 dollars, does anyone have any idea as to how i would get the stuff out of the rifle. Thanks

Thread locking compound?
It is a 300 WSM, and i think you may be correct in saying that it is thread locking compound, but i am not sure, because by now Tikka should have the rifle, i am going to go to the place i purchased it and took it to send back, so i can see if they have heard anything back from them yet, hopefully it wont take to much longer so i can get a chance to sight it in soon.
The place where i got the rifle got an email sent to them by Beretta on 8-17-2011 saying that they had received the rifle and that it would take 3 to 4 weeks from then to get it back, they did not say what they planned on doing with it, so i guess i will just wait and see what happens
I hope it works out quickly for you. I know sending a rifle back to the factory is about the last choice I ever wanna go with. Hope you get it back soon. Fall is a coming! Scotty
Well i got my rifle back yesterday, they said that the substance was bluing salts, it is now clean and looks brand new just like it should have when i first got it over a month ago, i am just glad that i got it back in time to sight in before elk season.