New to ARs


Sep 21, 2009
I am new to ARs and would like to start reloading for one. It has a 16" barrel with a 1 in 8 twist. Any suggest for bullets and powders to start with? Thanks.
I started with IMR 8208 and never tried anything else it was that good. i think it was 24 or 24.5 grains under 55gr bt's and 55gr blitzkings. It was a 24" barrel though.
If you have the 1-8, it might be some fun to try out the 60-77 grain bullets for your rifle. I imagine RL15 or other powders in that burn rate will work fine for you. Might as well use all that twist to your advantage..
I ordered some 62 grain Amscor FMJs from Grafs. Never tried the bullets before but they were cheap and the loads are just for plinking.
I use Ramshot exterminator and a friend uses TAC both shoot very well. Cleanest powder I have shot through an AR to date.

critterskinner":37n43j80 said:
I am new to ARs and would like to start reloading for one. It has a 16" barrel with a 1 in 8 twist. Any suggest for bullets and powders to start with? Thanks.

Hate to sound like a broken record, but for what application?

Hunting bigger stuff? 60g Nosler Partition. They run great in my various ARs and work extremely well.

Hunting varmints? 60g v-max is one of my favorites

Targets? 69g SMK, but only because my first load attempts for it yielded spectacular results and I haven't bothered looking elsewhere.
Welcome to the fun world of AR shooting/reloading. It is a blast and such a $$$$ saver. The $$$$ is important here because of course the AR is so much fun to shoot. Therefore you will need lots of ammo. :lol:

As far as what to shoot in your specific application I can shed the light on a few things.

1-8 twist 16 " you have will absolutely love the bullets in the 60-70 range. Ideally the 62 gr works like a champ. Powder? IMR 8208 XBR. It meters about as good as any non ball powder will and it performs great. To decrease the chance of a slam fire get some cci #41 primers. These are military primers and are harder than the typical small rifle primer. You don't have to use this primer and any std small rifle primer will work but its nice to know that a slam fire is nearly eliminated.

22.0 grains
start there and you probably won't have to adjust that charge.

remember that you are shooting a short bbl so keep that in perspective when trying to determine accuracy by the size of the group. Even more important to remember if you are shooting this with open sights...battle sights...etc. The paper group will only be so good.

Last thing is that AR's are dirty. They aren't really more filthy than the next firearm but the fact that you wind up shooting a pile of rounds out of them on a range trip makes it seem dirtier.

Invest in a sonic cleaner. They are perfect for AR brass. If the rifle doesn't make them dirty the stone and dusty range floor will.

+1 on 8208XBR... shot .5in 5 shot groups out my 1 in 7" AR today. 50 gr Sierra Blitz with 25.5 grains 8208 and CCI 41s. Very happy with the powder!
Another Ramshot TAC user here. Haven't loaded anything heavier than 55 gr yet, but it works great with 40 gr V-Max, Ballistic Tips, 50 gr Ballistic Tips, 52 gr Nosler Match Hollow Points, and 55 gr Hornady SP. Also like Accurate 2015 with the 40 and 50 gr bullets. Have also got very good results with 55 gr bullets and some of the old Accurate 2200. Still have a couple pounds remaining from an 8 lb keg of a few years ago. Those bullets and powders have worked in both 1 in 8" twisted 16" barrels and 1 in 12" twisted 22" and 26" barrels.