No bear yet...

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Tough week, worn out. So yeah, I overslept again. Got out of the house late and headed up into the hills. Remarkably cool this morning. Looking for bear:

This is not a bear. She was apparently lonely as she stuck around for quite a while, keeping me company.

Had the bear rifle, complete with a 260 gr Nosler AccuBond in the chamber:

Most of the berries weren't ripe yet:


Did some hiking. That felt good. Loosened up my stressed - out tendons. Did a lot of glassing too. Found a stump that a bear had been tearing into. Found some bear scat. That's as close as I got to tagging a bear today.



All in all, it was still a good day.
A day in the mountains tends to put things back into perspective. It was a good day, Guy. FWIW, I've not seen any bears this fall in several trips out. I suspect it is way too hot for them to be moving around. Also, there is ample vegetation for them to eat. The berry crops are present in abundance, but as you noted, they are not ripe yet. However, grains are ripening early this year due to the warmer weather up here.
Guy those are beautiful photos. It sure would be a relaxing day.
Your time put in now will pay off once the weather cools down. We are having unusually warm weather up here as well.
My bother advised they planted the crops a week to 10 days later but crops have really ripened in the warmer than norm August.


Looks to me like it was an excellent day.
Sooner or later.........

Wow! Great day in the mountains Guy! Gotta tell you, it looks really good from where I am sitting right now! Hope you get on the bears soon buddy. Only a matter of time.
Thanks guys. So far bear season has just been a great excuse to make some trips into the local hills. I think with the berry crop coming in though, and cooler weather, we'll start seeing some bruins...

Sure hope so!
Great pictures as always Guy, hopefully you continue to post them up they are fun to look at.
the berry crop in southern Oregon has been fabulous so far! The higher elevations still have large patches of unripe berries. I haven't found a patch yet that has been hit by the bears. With so many berries, in addition to the heat, I don't think the bears are travelling far to do all they need to do each day. Now that archery season has opened, the additional human presense might make the bears more nocturnal and even more difficult to find.