Nosler 115gr BT Velocity Comparison


Mar 23, 2017
This afternoon I ran a velocity comparison with Hybrid 100V and RL-17 in my 25 Creed. These were loaded some time back but finally got a nice day to strap on the Magnetospeed. They run neck and neck until 43grs where RL-17 pulls away. This is a common theme with these 2 powders in calibers I use them. H100V will flatten out as you start reaching pressure , where as RL-17 keeps on truckin. I still like to try Superformace along side these 2 yet.
I’ m looking forward to see how that group around 42.5 and 43.5 respectfully.
This afternoon I ran a velocity comparison with Hybrid 100V and RL-17 in my 25 Creed. These were loaded some time back but finally got a nice day to strap on the Magnetospeed. They run neck and neck until 43grs where RL-17 pulls away. This is a common theme with these 2 powders in calibers I use them. H100V will flatten out as you start reaching pressure , where as RL-17 keeps on truckin. I still like to try Superformace along side these 2 yet.
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I’ m looking forward to see how that group around 42.5 and 43.5 respectfully.
Yup, I see a node within 42.5 to 43.5 with H100V and possible 43-43.5 with the RL17, keep us posted.
This afternoon I ran a velocity comparison with Hybrid 100V and RL-17 in my 25 Creed. These were loaded some time back but finally got a nice day to strap on the Magnetospeed. They run neck and neck until 43grs where RL-17 pulls away. This is a common theme with these 2 powders in calibers I use them. H100V will flatten out as you start reaching pressure , where as RL-17 keeps on truckin. I still like to try Superformace along side these 2 yet.
View attachment 19833
I’ m looking forward to see how that group around 42.5 and 43.5 respectfully.
I can tell you in the short mags I didn't see anywhere the jump Hornady claims of that powder. Super short or WSM's...

R17 was like a match made in heaven for the shorter fatter powder columns...


I think the WSSM's got aborted way too quickly. If given the dedicated time they are damn fine rounds and screamers.
The 25wssm had given me fits until I got a handle on it.
I can dust the 25-06 in a super light, super short bolt platform.

Now if we can just get Alliant powder readily available all will be grand