Nosler 2016 New Products


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
I can finally release these so here you go.....



Bend, Ore. – January, 2016 – Nosler® created the E-Tip® Ammunition line to offer an affordable, lead-

free ammunition alternative for hunters who are either required or choose to use a lead-free bullet. The

advantages of the E-Tip® bullet are not limited to the material from which it is made however, its

construction is what gives the E-Tip® its greatest advantage; high weight retention.

Because the E-Tip® retains so much weight, it provides extremely deep penetration and consistently

straight wound channels. The E-Tip® smashes through heavy bone and muscle, typically performing like

a much heavier bonded or lead-cored bullet. This high degree of penetration provides a significant

advantage when hunting large game with non-magnum calibers. Offered in a variety of traditional

American hunting cartridges, E-Tip® ammunition is an excellent choice for any North American big game

or African plains game.

Initial offerings in Nosler’s E-Tip® line of ammunition for 2016 include:

243 Winchester – 90 grain E-Tip®

270 Winchester – 130gr E-Tip®

7mm-08 Remington – 140gr E-Tip®

7mm Remington Magnum – 150gr E-Tip®

308 Winchester – 150 grain E-Tip®

308 Winchester – 168 grain E-Tip®

30-06 Springfield – 168 grain E-Tip®

30-06 Springfield – 180 grain E-Tip®

300 Winchester Magnum – 180 grain E-Tip®

Handloading Manual #8

Bend, Ore. – January 14, 2016 – Nosler is proud to announce the release of

their latest and most comprehensive load manual to date, Reloading

Guide 8. Since their previous Reloading Guide, Nosler has introduced their AccuBond Long Range bullet

line and their family of cartridges that include the 26, 28 and recently announced 30 Nosler.

Nosler Reloading Guide 8 contains 800 pages of information that features load data for nearly 120 rifle

and handgun cartridges with several informative sections such as “Getting Ready to Reload” for the

beginning handloader and bullet cutaways that explain Nosler bullet construction and terminal


Several new and traditional powder selections have been added to many cartridges throughout the manual

including Hodgdon’s new Enduron line of powders as well as Alliant’s RL26 and RL33 to name a few. In

addition to new data, look for new cartridge introductions contributed by outdoor writers, Nosler

ballisticians and notable individuals in the outdoor industry.

Also new for Reloading Guide #8 is subsonic load data for the 300 AAC Blackout and standard load data

for the 458 SOCOM.

Nosler Reloading Guide 8 is currently available in hard copy and will soon be offered in digital format

where the entire manual can be purchased for digital download.

For the most current information on Nosler® product announcements, visit Nosler’s Facebook page at


Bend, Ore – January 2016 - NoslerCustom® Ammunition is hand-loaded by Nosler’s team of expert

ballisticians to ensure each and every round is perfect. There are even more options to choose from in

2016 to include:

 270 Winchester – 130 grain Ballistic Tip®

 30-06 Springfield – 200 grain AccuBond®

 338 Winchester Magnum – 200 grain E-Tip®

 340 Weatherby – 210 grain Partition®

 35 Whelen – 200 grain AccuBond®

Using Nosler® Brass which is neck sized, deburred and chamfered for proper alignment helps ensure a

solid foundation for this precise ammunition. Every powder charge is meticulously weighed guaranteeing

consistent velocities and routinely checked for correct and consistent overall length. All finished rounds

are then visually inspected, polished and hand packaged in hard plastic boxes with all performance data

printed on the label. Ammunition box labels can also be personalized with customer’s name or

information at no additional cost.

NoslerCustom® Ammunition is loaded up front with Nosler AccuBond®, Partition® and E-Tip® bullets for

unrivaled accuracy and terminal performance. For the shooter who expects more; look no further than

NoslerCustom® Ammunition.

For the most current information on Nosler® product announcements, visit Nosler’s Facebook page at


Bend, Ore – January 2016 - NoslerCustom® Ammunition is hand-loaded by Nosler’s team of expert

ballisticians to ensure each and every round is perfect. There are even more options to choose from in

2016 to include:

 270 Winchester – 130 grain Ballistic Tip®

 30-06 Springfield – 200 grain AccuBond®

 338 Winchester Magnum – 200 grain E-Tip®

 340 Weatherby – 210 grain Partition®

 35 Whelen – 200 grain AccuBond®

Using Nosler® Brass which is neck sized, deburred and chamfered for proper alignment helps ensure a

solid foundation for this precise ammunition. Every powder charge is meticulously weighed guaranteeing

consistent velocities and routinely checked for correct and consistent overall length. All finished rounds

are then visually inspected, polished and hand packaged in hard plastic boxes with all performance data

printed on the label. Ammunition box labels can also be personalized with customer’s name or

information at no additional cost.

NoslerCustom® Ammunition is loaded up front with Nosler AccuBond®, Partition® and E-Tip® bullets for

unrivaled accuracy and terminal performance. For the shooter who expects more; look no further than

NoslerCustom® Ammunition.

For the most current information on Nosler® product announcements, visit Nosler’s Facebook page at



Bend, Ore. – January 8, 2016 – Nosler is proud to introduce the newest member if its cartridge family, the

30 Nosler®. Sharing the same parent case as the 26 and 28 Nosler® cartridges, the 30 Nosler® takes all the

best attributes of currently available 30 magnums and combines them in one cartridge. The 30 Nosler®

easily meets the velocity of the 300 Weatherby, headspaces on the shoulder like a 300 RUM, has an

efficient powder column like the 300 WSM and fits in the same standard length action of a 300

Winchester Magnum.

The 30 Nosler® is a SAAMI standardized cartridge making for consistent brass and chamber dimensions

industry wide. Nosler will be supporting this new cartridge with Nosler® Brass, Trophy Grade™

Ammunition and naturally, the full line of M48 rifles in 26” barrel configurations.

The initial offerings in Nosler’s Trophy Grade™ Ammunition provide the ideal blend of velocity, power

and downrange terminal performance. They are:

Nosler® Trophy Grade™ Ammunition – 180gr AccuBond® 3200fps

Nosler® Trophy Grade™ LR Ammunition – 210gr AccuBond® LR 3000fps

The 30 Nosler® shares the same parent case as the 26 & 28 Nosler® as well as the C.O.A.L. of 3.340”

allowing this cartridge to be operated in a standard length action for lighter weight and shorter bolt throw

when compared to magnum length actions.

For the most current information on Nosler® product announcements, visit Nosler’s Facebook page at


Bend, Ore — New for 2016, Nosler® has added the 22 caliber, 50 grain Ballistic Tip® Lead Free

bullet to add to the existing 35 grain and 40 grain weight options in that caliber. Consumer

demand vied for a heavier option in this highly frangible varmint

and predator bullet that also offers the benefits of a higher ballistic

coefficient and less sensitivity to wind drift.

The Ballistic Tip® Lead Free has a flat base with a metallic

colored, polymer tip. The leadless bullet features Nosler’s

exclusive Fragmenting Copper Core Technology™ which exhibits immediate and rapid

expansion at practical varmint shooting velocities of 1600 fps and above.

The Nosler Ballistic Tip® Lead Free can safely be used within lead free zones or shooting ranges

that require non-magnetic bullets. Users can be confident of the same performance and quality

that the Ballistic Tip® has made famous for over 30 years.

For the most current information on Nosler® product announcements, visit Nosler’s Facebook

page at

Nosler® Announces Expansion of BT® Ammunition for America’s Most Popular Game

Bend, Ore. – January, 2016 – For decades, Nosler’s Ballistic Tip® Hunting bullets have been extremely

popular among America’s deer, antelope and hog hunters. That is why it makes perfect sense for Nosler®,

Inc. to be expanding their line of BT® Ammunition, loaded exclusively with Ballistic Tip® Hunting


Offered in popular hunting cartridges with bullet weights and muzzle velocities that are optimized for

maximum effectiveness on deer, antelope and hogs, Nosler® BT® Ammunition delivers the accuracy, flat

trajectory, and reliable terminal performance hunters of these species require.

The Ballistic Tip® Hunting bullet line delivers excellent accuracy with sleek aerodynamic profiles

combined with devastating terminal ballistics. Constructed with Nosler’s exclusive impact-extruded,

tapered jacket, the Ballistic Tip® bullet provides controlled expansion and reliable performance on

medium sized game across a broad impact velocity range of 1800-3200 fps.

Ballistic Tip’s legendary bullet performance, Nosler’s high quality ammunition standards, and a

reasonable price marks Nosler Ballistic Tip Ammunition an ideal choice for hunters.

BT® Hunting Ammunition is available for purchase at Nosler dealers worldwide.

New for 2016

6.5 Creedmoor - 140gr. Ballistic Tip®

260 Remington - 120gr. Ballistic Tip®

7mm-08 Remington - 140gr. Ballistic Tip®

For the most current information on Nosler product announcements, visit Nosler’s Facebook page at

As for new bullet offerings, Nosler has decided to focus on producing their current offerings.

JD338":2vx5d40g said:
As for new bullet offerings, Nosler has decided to focus on producing their current offerings.


YUP only this

New for 2016, Nosler® has added the 22 caliber, 50 grain Ballistic Tip® Lead Free

bullet to add to the existing 35 grain and 40 grain weight options in that caliber.
I'm glad they aren't stretching themselves that much thinner on bullet production.
They have to get caught up for sure
Lots of ammo production. Pretty cool stuff.

No danged 300 grain .458 though :lol: