Nosler 300 Win brass sonsistency problems...

remingtonman_25_06":15bx62vz said:

If you want the brass that badly, you need to talk to kirby's customer that was having the p roblems and his name is Eric. Kirby already stated that it was not his brass and you would have to ask Eric for his permission to have Kirby send it to you. I would think with Eric's permission, Kirby will live up to his word and send it to you or Nosler. It seems the problem with the brass has been taken care of by Nosler.

If you want it that badly, I will PM kirby and Eric both and play the middleman to get you the brass that you so badly want. What is it that you exactly want to see anyways??? Just curious.

BTW, he never left the impression they were his brass. He stated from teh very beginning in the original post it was a CUSTOMERS RIFLE AND BRASS. Hes simply stating that by his measurements, they were not quality pieces of brass as advertised...

If you read my last post you would see I made a correction concerning what I read and now understand it was Eric's brass. Yes I want the brass because it is so hard to believe that brass could be that far off on one side of the neck as apposed to the other side. Now it might be just that bad but if you would have the brass sent to me I would like to see it. Nothing more than I just want to see the brass. If you willing to get it for me let me know and I will pm you with my address. Thank you :grin:
remintonman 25-06, I have changed my mine, don't need the brass, I have decided to just except his word, thanks bullet :)
I am the one that posted the results I have found with this sample of "CUSTOMER" supplied Nosler 300 Win Mag brass.

The cause of the problem with the rifle is that when the rifle was built, I set the chamber up for use with Lapua 300 Win Mag brass. The customer had the rifle for a period of time and in that time Lapua stopped making the 300 WIn Mag brass so he ordered some Nosler brass as well as some Winchester brass as well.

Because of the increased variations of the new brass, many would not chamber. Because Lapua brass is held to very high standards there was no problem with the chamber fitted for this brass.

The Winchester brass varied enough that some chambered snuggly but all the "CUSTOMER SUPPLIED" me chambered in the rifle.

The Nosler brass was not so good, the headspace measurement on these cases had a range of 10 thou difference. The low end was nearly identical to the Win and Lapua brass, the upper end, would not even start to chamber.

Seeing this large variation made me look at other case dimensions. Most dimensions such as belt diameter, rim diameter, head diameter above belt and shoulder diameter were all very similiar to the Lapua and Winchester brass.

However, the case neck thickness were VERY inconsistant. The four Winchester cases had neck thickness variations no greater then 1 thou. The Lapau cases had neck thickness variation of 0.7 thou at most.

The 4 Nosler cases had the following neck thickness measurements measured around the 4 quaters of the neck.

Case 1..........11-15 thou...................4 thou variation
Case 2..........11-17 thou...................6 thou variation
Case 3..........10-17 thou...................7 thou variation
Case 4..........13-14 thou...................1 thou variation

These measurements were taken with a set of Starrett calipers.

In my original post about the subject, I made it very clear that these were not my cases but supplied by the customer. I also stated that I had no intention of hammering Nosler as I use many of their bullets and have never had anything but good to say about their bullets.

I have heard over the last couple years of several problems with Nosler brass. I have never used it other then in 22-250 and I found it to be decent brass but really no more consistant then Rem or Win cases but nearly twice the cost so I just did not use it.

Now to "BULLET",

I do not know what you do for a living. I personally do not send my customers property out to anyone that asks and if you can not understand that, I guess that is your problem.

As far as accusing me of being a liar, well the fact you do not have the stones to tell me this to my face and have to come over hear and do it shows the measure of your character. At least if you had told me this directly I could have respected your opinion and know you had the courage to state your opinion to the one you are defacing but you did not.

If you think the world needs your opinion to "VARIFY" these findings you are sadly mistaken and if you do not believe me, so be it. I make a living be 100% honest with everyone I deal with. Brutally honest in fact. That is my reputation and I am very proud of it. It is based in fact, not opinion.

I am also an open book about what I test, find and use in the market place. I do this for a living and use a huge volume and variaty of products in the firearm industry. Many shooters and hunters out there can not get this level of experience so I freely offer all of my results to the public in an attempt to offer some helpful information to them before they get taken and are out good money.

Again, if you can not understand this, that is your problem.

Being in business as a precision minded rifle builder, I understand that things happen when making something like brass. I get feed back from my customers all the time and I also pay attention to that the public is saying about my products and use that to improve my product to the public. That is all that is happening here.

For some reason you got your feathers ruffled by me posting these results. Not sure why but it was enough for you to personally attack me while you know nothing about me. That is foolish on your part to attack someone just because something they say rubs you the wrong way.

I am very busy and can only stay in touch with one forum and that is Long Range I fequent that sight because they are my base. The members on LRH are of the same mind set as me.

I do not have time to get on all chat rooms, have to put time in the shop!!!

I got word that you were bad mouthing me here because of what I posted.

So, get Erics permission and I will send the cases anywhere he wants me to but until I get the word from the OWNER of the cases, I will not send them anywhere.

You do not know me, you have no idea of my charater, obviously so please, before you blindly attack someones character, you may want to educate yourself a bit about the person first.

To Nosler, Thank you for your fine bullets, I use thousands of them a year and recommend my customers use many many dozen a year in my rifles. That said, there are some serious problems with your QC on the brass. Not all calibers seem to be this way but there are enough complaints out there from reputable shooters, smiths and hunters that there IS a problem. All we ask is to look into it.

Kirby Allen
Well half a dozen to one and half to the other! I also know a guy that makes about a ton of ammo each year as they do sutom loading for customers, he checks run out and many other dimensions with high tech equipment to see for pressure signs and how brass holds up to all these loads they make.

He will tell you some of the most inconsistant brass is winchester and doesn't use much at all, he said remington is far better. He also uses Hornady brass and likes it alot.

I use Nosler brass in my .243 and I can tell you it is not softer than the winchester brass, I wouldn't use winchester in my .243 for nothing 2 loads max and you need to FL size it! The nosler 3 and sometimes 4 loads before FL sizing. It also takes less trimming as well than the winchester brass. You aren't paying for the name your paying for the quailty of the brass and have many things done you don't need to do. Measuring after firing with a headspace gauge tells me I get more stretch with the winchester brass.

Winchester in my 25-06 works well, but if Nosler where to make 25-06 I would sure try it and I'm betting I would see better results. Lapua brass many like it, I find it a bit to hard in my .243 and neck sizing it can be a pain as it drags much harder over the ball than nosler. The groups I get with nosler are good and this brass is good stuff!

Use what you want and like but the higher end brass in most cases is better than the 18.00 per bag stuff due to materials used in the metal .
You have my apologies, it is all due to me reading over your post on LongRange to fast and not paying close attention to what you said and so I drew a false conclusion. I understand my mistake and hope you can forgive me for assuming the worst. Thank you for any consideration and sorry you had to take time to clear this up because of me. Bullet