Nosler #6 Manual & Nosler online store


May 19, 2007
I have a couple questions regarding the new manual. Is it going to be availible from the online store? If so, will I be able to order one from Canada? Also, can I order components via the internet and have them shipped to my home in Canada? I doubt it, but it would be great if I could. The Canadian retailers suffer due to a lengthy customs process on firearms, ammo, etc, etc. In addition, they were paying up to 50% exchange until recently, which the prices here still reflect. So, I would probably have to wait 3 or 4 months to get the new manual, and pay 50% more for it.
I would guess that the RG #6 will be available from the on line store,
look for in in the next 3-4 weeks if all goes well.

As for buying components, I'm not sure of Canadian law but I don't think Nosler can ship into Canada.

There is no problem with Canadian laws,but US export laws prohibit the shipping of brass,bullets,etc. to Canada.Scopes as well. Sorry you have to buy them from a Canadian dealer.I waited 2 months for my .280AI brass and it cost me $2/piece after taxes!Shoots great so it was worth it! Monashee
Monashee":1vytb8b1 said:
There is no problem with Canadian laws,but US export laws prohibit the shipping of brass,bullets,etc. to Canada.Scopes as well. Sorry you have to buy them from a Canadian dealer.I waited 2 months for my .280AI brass and it cost me $2/piece after taxes!Shoots great so it was worth it! Monashee

I use the 280AI brass too, very nice stuff. 8)
