Nosler brass and other ???


Nov 6, 2006
I'm getting ready to do some loading for my 243. I was looking through the Midway catalog the other day and saw some Nolsler brass :shock:
So, what is the advantage to using Nosler brass over the WW brass? What am I getting for my money besides paying for the name ( haven't bought any yet)

How many of you use those brass cleaners? How often do you clean your brass?

I trim my cases as necessary but have never done anything with the neck thickness. This summer a guy at the range told me about doing this.
What can you tell me about it. How often does it need to be done? What do you use to do it.

The Nosler brass reportedly is held to closer dimensions than Winchester: you don't need to weight sort and etc. as you would with run of the mill brass. Also you don't need to do any case preparation with their stuff. I have some, but I haven't weighed, measured and compared to my other brass yet which why I said "reportedly".

I use a brass tumbler for dirty brass when needed.

I would not get into turning necks unless you are reforming brass to a new caliber or shooting a benchrest rifle with a smaller than usual neck. You only turn or ream necks once, and you use either a turning tool (like a small lathe) or a reamer. Here is a link to the Forster tool as an example.
