Nosler Brass Help


Jan 22, 2007
I ordered some Nosler Brass from Shooters Pro Shop that were factory 2nds.they said that they were champered and deburred.Can I load these straight from the bag or will I have to do something to them?

Noslers Rock!
I plan on loading the Nosler 2nds with 140 grain Nosler BT 2nds to see how I like them. Then I'm going to do like you said and order some more for my 7MM REM. MAG. RIFLE. Thanks for the help.

Noslers Rock

The brass is ready to go, just not weight sorted.

I have always ran all my brass through my sizing die just to make sure everything is squared up.

As good as I read that it loads I am dying to try out some Nosler brass but looks like I'll have to wait since everybody & their mother is sold out of .270. I guess working with the Rem brass will have to do for now. need do nothing to the brass. FL sizing would be a waste of time. If you have a low angle chamferer you could do that to get the entty of the bullet just a bit smoother on seating.
All the brass I've gotten from nosler has had good concentricity and of course it chambers just fine. Just load it and shoot.
The only ones i have had to mess with are the ones where the case mouth was slightly bent in from shipping. Very minor and only one or two out of four boxes now.

I do like the brass though.

I haven't noticed any dinged case mouths but if I did I'd probably take the whole box (or bag) and bump it up against an expander ball to make it round again. I wouldn't run it all the way over...just bump it up against it enough to "feel a bit of friction" and then withdraw it. Would probably take less than 10 min to do 50- cases.
I agree with everyone that it is great brass. I didn't know about the 2nds, so bought from Midway. The .308 Win brass I bought differed by only 1.2 grains between the heaviest and the lightest case in the box. Also, it was very straight, the run-out of the necks was all less than .02 even before I ran it through my sizing die.

The only complaint, and it probably doesn't mean anything, is that the flashholes are different sizes and shapes. The extreme spreads on the velocities and the group sizes have been good, about equal to what I get from Lapua brass, so I am not complaining. However, it seems an odd thing to happen to top of the line brass.

Never have seen a need to run new brass thriugh a FL die. New brass is SAAMI or smaller. Maybe neck size if the necks are out of round. I set the cases in my loading block and do a quick look at the necks for dents, neck size any that have dents and load. After the first firing, I check the primer pockets and flash holes, deburr, neck size and load. Nosler brass that I have used in several calibers didn't need full prep. I do full prep on R/P, Fed and Win. Norma and Lapua usually doesn't need much prep.Rick.