Nosler Partitions


Nov 7, 2006
I have always been a believer in the 30.06. It is the rifle I grew up and have shot for pert near 40 years. I have always used a 150 grain round but have struggled with the issue of lost meat if the shot was not perfectly placed. When my beloved Ruger 30.06 would no longer hold a group and needed to be sent off for tuning, a friend convinced me to try the 300 Win instead of just buying another 30.06. I also own a Remington 06 that my son uses. He also convinced me that I needed to use heavier bullets for both weapons. The most important advice he gave me was to start using Nosler partitions for both calibers. I started learning to reload this summer so I loaded partitions in 165 grains for the 06 and 180 grains for the 300.

The reults? On the range both rifles sighted in to a quarter sized group. In the field? The results have been phenomenal. We have a normal size entrance wound, a 50 cent piece size exit wound and almost no lost meat. The best part is that the kills have been very, very clean.

I am believer. Not only will we use only Nosler Partitions in the big game rifles, but also in the 22-250 for use on larger varmints.
Welcome to the forum! Yup I love the 30-06 also and the NP's never let me down.
Welcome ot the Nosler buller fan club! :grin:
The PT's are awesome bullets. They always work leaving a nice exit wound. Now you need to give the Accubonds a try.

Glad you found us.

Your experience mirrors mine with the Partitions. I think they are great with all calibers but maybe especially in the 30 cal.

Oh yeh, welcome to the site.

Welcome to the forum!
I use the 200 grain partitions in my 300RUM at 3100fps, and I love the results.
CAUTION: POP and JD338 will do their best to "corrupt" you and cause you to try accubonds!! :lol: :lol:
340boy":1y4q6jvt said:
Welcome to the forum!
CAUTION: POP and JD338 will do their best to "corrupt" you and cause you to try accubonds!! :lol: :lol:


I think I bought my first box of Nosler Partitions about 1974 or 1975... They keep on performing great! :grin:
JD338":2yu0ujcj said:
340boy":2yu0ujcj said:
Welcome to the forum!
CAUTION: POP and JD338 will do their best to "corrupt" you and cause you to try accubonds!! :lol: :lol:







Years ago, close to 20 by now, I had a 50 yard shot at a whitetail. I was using my .243 with 100 grain bullets ( not nosler). Well the deer went down like a ton of bricks, like many before had. Then he got up and ran off. I lost that deer, the only one I've ever lost. Maybe there was a little cockpit error but I placed some of the blame on the bullet. I also felt that I had hit the shoulder blade and the bullet blew up and did not make it through to the vitals. I'll never know for sure, but I went looking for a new bullet and learned about Nosler. I have been shooting them ever since. Mostly the Partition bullets but have tried the BT and now want to try the Accubonds. In the past 20 years I went from a .243 to a .257 Roberts but still shoot Noslers. I hit one deer at about 120 yards (+/-) with a 117gr BT. It did two things, 1) killed the deer dead 2) blew a hole in the deers neck almost 2" in Dia. I also found shards of copper leading me to think the bullet blew up. So I decided to go back to Partitions but I also like to experiment. That's why I'm looking to try the AccuBond bullets. I just orders some and will use them next deer season. This year (this Sat.) I'll be using my .257 with loaded with 100gr Nosler Partitions.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it :wink:
Recently, I read an article in a highly touted reloading magazine and the comment of "Nosler bullet weight retained" was made. The writer spoke of "only retaining 60% of original weight" in recovered Nosler Partition bullets. So, that got my curiosity going, again. Over the years, I have saved several recovered partitions, in various calibers and weights, so I set about to get an average for each caliber recovered. Thru the years, I have kept a ledger on each and every head of big game I have taken and the results of the shot, including estimated distance, and angle. Some of the .30 caliber bullets were fired from 30/06 rifles and some from .300 H&H and .300 Winchester. The 180 gr. 30/06 partitions, eight of them, recovered fired from an avg. distance of 150 yds. into elk, all bulls, weighed 138 gr., that's 77% retained weight. The .300 magnum bullets (9), somehow, weighed slightly more, coming in at 142 gr. for 79%. I also have a few 210 gr. (4) .338 partitions shot from both .338 Win. Mag. and .340 Weatherbys and the avg. distance there was 170 yds., coming in at 88% retained weigh. The farthest shot on an elk was at 350 yds. with the 210 gr. in the .340 Wthrby,weighed 188 gr. (almost 90%) and had a cross-section of 0.755".

Several .30 and .338 caliber partitions gave a complete pass-thru, because of the angle and were not recovered.

I have used them since the late 1950s and as I approach my 71st year, I'll continue to do so, as I have complete confidence in them.

Please excuse an old guy's rant :wink: .

Thank you for the information! That was anything but a "rant".
I like hearing of hunters experiences, I need all the help I can get...
That is interesting about the 210 grain Partition in the 340wby, I have a 340 that I really like, but I generally shoot either 225 or 250 grain partitions. I might have to try that 210 grain on for size. I know that Bob Hagel(one of my favorite writers) had nothing but good to say about that 210 Partition on elk from his 340roy.
I love your frog! :lol:

I have used the 210 gr PT in my 338 RUM on elk with excellent results.
The 210 gr PT at 3200 fps just plain kills like lighting!

Their are some pretty big critter's up-here.I use a 150 grain 7mm Partition for everything that walks.Never felt I needed more.The Part alway's come's through.
Somehow the words Nosler and Partition just go together. :grin: Haven't shot any great number of game animals with them, but sure haven't recovered a bullet yet either... They just penetrate clean through, leaving the kill behind... Hard to argue with success.

In the past I had some questions about accuracy, being an accuracy hound and all. Sure have seen some tight groups from them recently though. I suspect Quality Control has gone up since I first started buying the Partitions long ago.

Regards, Guy
Ok - I have been debating whether I, as a newbie, should step into the Partitions vs AccuBond debate. I can understand and appreciate the role that ballistic tips play as well as partitions but how about Accubonds. Are they to be used when accuracy is more important than power?

I will duck now...... :p
The AB has a higher BC than the PT so it will shoot flatter and retain more energy at long range. Accuracy of both the AB and the PT is excellent.
Here is a picture of a 4 shot group with my 338 RUM and the 250 gr PT.
