Not yet hunting

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Slowly working my way across Washington, Idaho, and Montana for the past few days. Taking my time to poke along some of the back roads. Camped off a Forest Service Road overlooking a broad valley from way up on a mountain. It's been a good trip so far and I've already seen:

Whitetail, herds of the pesky things
Wild turkey in big flocks
Mule deer by the dozen
Pronghorn in scattered bands
Bighorn sheep in a herd
A coyote I elected not to shoot
Bison being rounded up on the National Bison Range.
Moose along the Jefferson River. They're Very Big when encountered by surprise...

So far it's been a good trip. I start hunting tomorrow.

Regards, Guy
We're all pulling for you on your hunt, Guy. Here's to every success and a refreshing time afield.
Good luck Guy. You know everyone here is waiting for all those pictures you're taking...
Sounds like you're in Heaven, Guy.
Have fun and I look forward to reading about your hunt with lots of pictures as you have a lack for taking the bloody things. :)


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Sounds like heaven to me ! Best of luck with your travel and hunt! Sounds like an awesome trip so far and I know ya gotta be having a blast!
So...... so far, if you had to go home tomorrow, your hunt would have been a success. :) Sounds just great Guy. Cant wait to see the pics! Good luck! CL
Hope things are going well Guy! We are expecting a update any day now hopefully with lots of photos :mrgreen:!

What a fantastic trip Guy & with so many species to see and hunt. Such a magical dream trip for many of us in Europe. Good luck when you get started hunting. ATB ET