Obamacare is immoral

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Why do I have to pay for someone else to have health insurance? Get off your rear, and buy your own danged insurance. If you can't, it's NOT my problem.

Obamacare is immoral. Ought to be illegal. Essentially, it's theft.

I hate thieves.

It's about control.

If Obama can force you to buy insurance you don't want, he can move onto forcing other behavior.

That's the dirty little secret here, George. When SCOTUS determined that the federal government can force people to buy something under penalty of taxation, we became subjects, and are no longer citizens.

How it is that the left has managed to shift the conversation into a realm to accuse conservatives of being immoral because we oppose programs which spend ill-gotten money taken from producers to enslave generations of recipients, is shameful. The moral high ground lies with a person who understands that all morality is based entirely on the idea of a fair trade of the proceeds of each individual's efforts for the goods or services of another. Outside that concept is immorality, enslavement, and tyranny.
I'm too angry to be so eloquent.

My wife and I worked for our money. We aren't rich, but if we're left alone, we'll be just fine. We met in college, worked our way through college. She followed me around all over the place while I was in the Marines, working when she could. Settled in a modest size town here in Washington, where I've worked as a cop for 20 years, and she's worked while we raised our sons. Bought a house. Set money aside for retirement. I've done some work on the side from time to time to help as well, and last year opened a small business that's helping.

And now I'm supposed to subsidize health care for someone else? I'm trying to figure out how to afford health care for us, once I retire from my police job. The quotes I'm getting are outrageous!

Probably doesn't help that night after night I'm dealing with people who are leeches on society. Most of them don't work, but they get some kind of government handout. Then they drink, do drugs and prey on one another, or on others who actually have their life together. And I'm supposed to contribute some of my money to them? And I'm in trouble if I don't?


Doggone it. Very angry about this. It's just one more form of "redistribution of wealth." Just what we need, take money from those who've earned it, and give it to those who haven't.

I support charity - but I choose where that money goes. Preferable that way I think. Not the gov't just taking my money and giving it away to someone who is probably just another leech.

Yup. Pretty angry here, and not doing a good job of expressing myself on the subject yet. I'll work on it.

Unfortunately, morality and ethics has taken a severe hit in the populace at large during the past several decades. The redefinition is costing the USA far more than mere wealth; we are sacrificing our future and right to be the leader of the free world.
Leftists don't care about morality; they only care about amassing enough power to force people into their definition of a utopia.

Therein lies the difference between a conservative and a liberal. Most of the time, if a conservative does not like something, they don't participate in it. Most of the time, if a liberal does not like something, they try to make it illegal for anyone to participate in it. It's an insecurity that goes beyond understanding that they desperately need corroboration from others, even by force of law, of their own behavior choices.

I am working on a way to get out of debt, then out of the US. It's a mess, for sure. My kids deserve better.
I have already been telling people Canada is looking pretty nice right now, as soon as my contract with the Corps is up, we will see what happens. This post just reminded me I need to get onto the TriCare website and get enrolled before I get fined.

Way this is going, I will be working until the day I die.
Canada has its own problems, AJ; and we are always one election away from a socialist government. Think how quickly things changed in the US. No country is completely fireproof.
Redistribution of wealth is about power and control. This is especially true in a Socialist/Marxist modeled state where the idea is to make everyone a subject of and dependent upon the state. That was what Romney was talking about in the second debate which everyone got so torqued about. Romney was not putting people down, he was trying to discuss how people become dependent on the government for everything and evolve into socialists.

It's getting real interesting seeing how so many of my friends who are young guys with families react. Those who are self employed are simply not buying the obamacare approved policies, and figure that the fine from our government isn't a big deal.

I fear that the fines will be raised, and given teeth.

Wonder what's going to happen when 50% of America simply refuses to sign up?

Terrible supreme court decision, favoring gov't power over the free will of the people. Terrible.

I am on board with you guys. I pay cash for my family's medical services. I can't stand the idea of subsidizing the whole health industry when I barely have to go to the doctor. I can't understand how a law written to force me to buy something I don't want can be allowed in our "free" society. You're going to make these insurance company executives rich... or ELSE!
I agree with others here. Obamacare isn't about helping the 30M without insurance, it's about control over the $1T annual healthcare market and increasing control over everyone's life.

I'd also say that the push for climate change legislation isn't about saving the environment, it's about controlling the $Ts energy market. The introduction of non-native wolves into the Northwest isn't about the poor wolves, it's about controlling the state and federal lands and keeping people out (anti-hunting, anti-development, anti-recreation, anti-ranching). If they wind up eliminating most of the deer, elk, moose, antelope and Bighorn sheep so be it. But, let's not let a single snail darter be harmed in any way.

By the way, he's no longer the POTUS, now he's PPOF (President Pants On Fire).
Its tragic that congress has allowed 17 illegal amendents to the affordable care act without congressional approval. I guess the republi-cons hate the constitution as much as the demos. It is looking like we need to vote out the traitors during next Novembers mid term elections. The moderate republicans trashed senator Cruz for pushing back while allowing our constitution to be trashed by Obama. I,m just waiting for Obama to state if you like your guns you can keep them.
He already said "if you like your guns you can keep them"! That was right before he tried to take them all away after the election was over.
Right now you have 53 dems and 47 repubs in the senate. The house went for repeal or defund 43 times with no success. Unless the voters take out the dems in the senate next November during midterm elections I do not see repeal any time soon.
Chances of repeal may be getting better as the results of this train wreck gradually show up.
Interesting sign up numbers thus far. Awful lot of Medicaid (non premium paying) in the numbers.
Young folks staying out in droves.
If the only people signing up are "sick people" (no offense intended ) and the well people stay away, guess what happens? For instance, even if your premiums are $1000 per month (don't laugh, that's coming) and your claims for the year are $50000, where's that coming from? Need a lot of "well " people to pay for 1 seriously sick person under this farce of a plan.
I could go on but don't want to bore with numbers.