Of all your rigs

7mm JDJ, very fine line to headspace it correctly, especialy after loading a couple times and you'd have to bump the shoulders
I don’t really hate it but .380 acp is a bit of a pain. I had to make my own case tray because the case was so deep in the RCBS tray that I couldn’t get ahold of them.
404 Jeff. Love shooting it but I seem to always goof when loading it (Also those long thin necks make boo-boos easy and terminal).
"I don't have any I dread loading for, but the one thing I don't like doing for any of them is preparing new brass. Long tedious process, lube, F/L size, trim all to a specific size then clean and put away."

I not only do that but I also ream the flash holes and uniform primer pockets. No difference if it's brand new brass or range pick up. It all gets treated the same. I don't know if it really makes any difference but I like to think it does.
Paul B.