Off to Wyoming

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
Wednesday We'll be taking off to meetJDMAG and Taylor . They'll be joining Jonathan and myself in Douglas, Wyoming for antelope and mule deer. Got the 257 Wby. and the 300 RUM sighted and ready and for some reason I'm having trouble sleeping at night now. I thought I might outgrow that but thankfully not :wink:
Greg, good luck buddy! I hope you all do well. Hope you have a good hunt and great weather. Looking forward to the results. Scotty

I've never quite managed to sleep soundly the night before going afield. Best of luck to you. Trust you will enjoy success on this hunt.

Best of luck to you and the rest of your group. Be safe and have fun. The rest of us will be there in spirit.

Greg -

Good luck to you and the Crew !

My better half is from there - I've spent a decent amout of time in the area.
Weather has been beautiful !
I think the antelope and mule deer are in a lot of trouble...

Enjoy your hunt!
Just a kind thought to all. Be careful and always be prepared for the unexpected.

My good friend (Jim) and his wife (Patty) are avid hunters and have hunted many years in Wyoming. (He is a Veterinarian from Colorado). They always use mules for their trips and these mules are their personal stock trained specifically for hunting trips.

According to the story (still getting news in), the mules very unexpectedly got spooked by a grizzly in the area. The wife was able to get control back with her mule but Jim could not get control back and was bucked off the mule. He was thrown down a deep rock ravine. Jim was bleeding pretty bad and suffered 9 broken ribs, a collapsed lung and multiple lacerations on his face and body. Fortunately for them, they were able to contact help and Jim was taken to the hospital there in Wyoming. Patty had to recover the mules and bring them back out alone but she was covered with blood from the accident. With bear in the area, this compounded the situation but she got out all right.

If you ever met Jim and Patty, you would see two of the most prepared and careful hunters. Unexpected accidents can happen so easily.

Everyone be careful as you enjoy the season.