Ok E-Tip - I Might Be Insane According To POP :)


Dec 26, 2007
Yes, I am trying the E-Tip again. :shock: I know it was a bust in my 30-06, but my 30-06 did not like a lot of bullets and my 300Win Mag seems to like what ever I throw at it. Of course the E-Tip will be the biggest test my Savage 116FHSS 300Win Mag will have to face. I have already loaded the 180gr & 150gr E-Tips for a trip to the range Monday Morning. If I get these two E-Tips to shoot well that would be seven loads for my 300Win Mag making my 300 a very, very versatile rifle having loads that would be tailored to load specific game and field conditions.

Even though I do have a very accurate Barnes load 180gr TTSX, I do not really like Barnes after using them over a four year period. I hope to get the E-Tip to shoot because the expanding cavity in the E-Tip is deeper and more efficient in producing a greater diameter mushroom frontal area of expansion. Even though in a media test the 180gr E-Tip only went 11" as apposed to the 15" that the TTSX penetrated the wound cavity was much bigger and the meplate of the expanded E-Tip was greater in size.

Below is a picture of a recovered E-Tip, BT and TTSX after the test that was done by person on another forum, and you will notice the larger mushroom produced with E-Tip and yet the weight retention is the same as the TTSX . I think I will like the effects on game better with the E-Tip than I liked and witness over the four years I used the TSX. That is why I am trying for an accurate load with the E-Tips.

The 150gr E-Tip will serve as my varmint and deer copper bullet and the 180gr E-Tip for larger game using a copper bullet. Also, I have an acquaintance who has had better wound channels and exits holes with more devastation inside the game in his comparison of the E-Tip, against the TSX and TTSX over the last three years of trying both on the same kind of game. Also, he has experience less fouling with the E-Tip and down range accuracy at distance has been very good due to the BC of the E-Tip being greater than that of the TTSX providing more energy and momentum at distance than the TTSX. Now granted it is harder to find that accurate load with the E-Tip than with the TTSX, but if I can find that accuracy, then I think I might be much happier with its effect on game in the field. Note, I said, "I think." This depends first on getting them to shoot below 3/4" in my rifle as far as I am concerned then if so I will test them in the field this coming year.

It these shoot good and kill game like I think they will, the whole world will know how good the E-Tip is, but if they don't shoot I will just keep the results to myself except letting this forum know how they do.

Recovered 180gr E-Tip and then 180g BT and on the far right the 180gr TTSX.

DrMike":1t61033r said:
It'll be interesting to see your results, Mike.

Won't it tough? :mrgreen: Got my fingers crossed :wink:
I have tested the 7mm 150 gr, 338 200 gr and 257 100 gr E-Tips. They shoot well under MOA and penetrate deep.

JD338":1dj2th0z said:
I have tested the 7mm 150 gr, 338 200 gr and 257 100 gr E-Tips. They shoot well under MOA and penetrate deep.


I appreciate the encouragement, but for me it has to be at 3/4" and the same load staying in that range over 3 to 4 straight groups.
You want something that expands like this...

and accurate...

I'll vouch for E-Tips for accuracy and penetration. Push them at 3k or better and I suspect they'll penetrate whatever you want. Seat them .050-.100" shorter than whatever else has worked in your rifle, and use slow powders. Good luck!
dubyam":2zqrer89 said:
I'll vouch for E-Tips for accuracy and penetration. Push them at 3k or better and I suspect they'll penetrate whatever you want. Seat them .050-.100" shorter than whatever else has worked in youreifle, and use slow powders. Good luck!

Dubyam, first of all, hello, and good to hear from you. I am going to give them a long jump to start with and will be using for the 180gr RL-22, MRP and since a friend of mine used IMR4350 and got a very accurate load, I will be trying it. I will be using IMR4350 and H4350 with the 150gr. I have the 180gr seated at 3.342" and the 150gr at 3.318". We will see Monday as I begin the process. This is one bullet that very seldom do you get lucky with it, so I am ready to do some work.
bullet now I know everyone here has probably seen this picture and I'm hopefully not beating a dead elk to death, but I'll put it up one more time. See that hole in the left shoulder on my son's cow? That's the exit wound from his 6mm Remington and 90 gr. E-tip at 350 yards! 8) His cow went about 25 yards and tipped over. It tore up her lungs inside and did a great job.

I had to play a little bit with it to get it to shoot, but I don't think any worse than any other bullet. It really shoots wonderfully and it's performed perfectly on his elk, deer, and antelope. I ended up using H100V for the powder in it and it chronographs right at 3160 to 3180 fps out of his 6mm with a 22" barrel. I sure was hoping we could recover a bullet, but so far they have all exited on everything he's shot. Good Luck!

Mike, good to "see" you here, as well. Enjoying the email devotions as you are able to get them out, too. Keep up the good work.

I'm sure you've read the details of my buck shot in late January. I got the same exit wound at 175yds (~3000fps) and 25yds (~3400fps) as 6mm's son got on that elk at 325yds. And for my two shots, one was through the front shoulder and out the front of the chest (about 10" penetration) and one was in at the base of the neck and out 2" to the right of the base of his tail. That one literally rode down the right side of the spine, missing the backstraps, loins, and internals, but finishing the buck nicely by inflicting massive CNS trauma, ending him quickly. And, that's over 4' of penetration through tough bone and muscle, and the exact same exit wound as other shots. I won't have any problems with the E-Tip in any magnum rifle. I am deferring to the Ballistic Tip in my 8x57 and 30-06, but for magnum rounds, the E-Tip is a primary bullet for me. Just about the only place I might not use it is if I got a 7mmRemMag, but only because I've been told the 160gr AccuBond is the bullet for that round. If a 160gr E-Tip comes out, I'd probably change my mind there, too.
6mm Rem and dubyam, thanks for the encouraging reports. These reports of the E-Tip in the field will drive me to find a load and not give up quickly. Thanks guys.
Looking forward to seeing how they work Mike. Hope they shoot for you. Scotty
I Shot them out of both my 270 WSM, and the 338 WM. They both lost 2 gr. in dirt at 200 yaeds every time. I shot one buck with the 200 ET at 125 yards worked great. The 1800 fps Min is right on the nose. Don't plan on them working at any lower speeds. I got one out of the dirt at 600 and it looked like this.


I'm sure the way that savage is shooting for you you won'y have any problems getting them to shoot how you want.
At 600yds the minimum fps I will have with the 180gr will be 1979-2018 and the minimum fps with the 150gr at 600 will be 2034-2073 so I will be well within the E-tip ability to open at long ranges I would take a shot at. I won't settle for less the 2950-3000fps with a 180gr and 3150-3200fps with a 150gr in my 300Win mag. I know that trying to match velocity and accuracy will be the trick with the E-Tip. We will see.
Now if Nosler just made an E-Tip for the 35 Whelen :mrgreen:

Although I don't use them in ID except for the 7RUM, here's another pic of proof that they work. This little blacktail deer was the lastone I took while stationed at Vandenberg AFB in Oct of '09 using my 338RUM and 200ETs at about 100yds w/a muzzle velocity of 3150.. The first pic is the exit (click to enlarge).

Rich, your exit wound photo is exactly what I observed on both of my shots. One things for sure - at anything around 3k, expect that exít hole!
dubyam":2d85a3mg said:
Rich, your exit wound photo is exactly what I observed on both of my shots. One things for sure - at anything around 3k, expect that exít hole!

If I recall, the exit was about the size of a quarter.