Old Dog gets 'er done...

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Loved it! One of my Boy Scouts from 20 years ago contacted me to go to the range with him while he broke in a new 9mm pistol.

Sure! Of course the old Boy Scout is now a grown man in his mid 30's and a USMC veteran. Life goes on.

He proceeded to scatter some shots, mostly on the left side of the silhouette target. A "group" about 12" high and 8" wide from 7 yards... Well...

I put 7 of the 185 gr Nosler JHP's right into the ten-ring, making one ragged hole, with my beat up old 1911 Kimber...


Ya, he noticed that. We were reloading our magazines and I asked if he'd like some tips. Thankfully he was receptive to that. We fixed his grip, and fixed his trigger pull.

His next group was 1/3 the size, and nicely centered in the upper chest of the silhouette target. Success!

He went on to do some more practice, as did I. When I was in, the Corps had a great rifle training program, but... Not so much on the handgun. They tried, but not real hard. So, it's not his fault that he wasn't much of a pistol shooter. But he's a good shot, with a rifle. And now he's a much better shot with the pistol.

Someone will want to know what kind of 9mm it was. Doesn't really matter, it was a nice one. Black. New. Plastic. It works. Feels pretty good in hand. Like 27 other new black compact 9mm pistols. But... I'll think of it eventually and add it here. Really doesn't matter. Do your job as a shooter and they all seem to work pretty well.

Takes practice to shoot hand guns well.

Love my Kimber, and love my P229, mainly because that That hammer drops like a Kimber.

Nice to have the youngster look ya up!

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It was nice to have him pop up and say "Hey, I've got a new pistol, let's go shooting!"

Small town life. I see a lot of the same people over the years.

Moved around so much in my younger days, five schools by fifth grade, that when we hit Chelan County, Washington nearly 30 years ago. We dug in and stayed. It's been real nice.
