Old smokeless powder?


Oct 4, 2006
A few years ago, I bought several lbs. of a popular rifle powder, imr4350. One full can remains. After I poured some in the powder measure, I noticed it was very difficult to move the powder-measure handle to drop it imto the case. I mean VERY hard to move the handle to cut the powder!!!! Like using both hands!!!!
The can had not been opened before today, and the powder still had that smell that 4350 always had. Could the powder have age-hardened? Or what might be the cause?

Presently, I have not loaded any cartridges with this powder.

Whereas heat and/or moisture will wreak havoc with powder, I doubt that age will cause the texture of powder to change. Some of the older powders were cut somewhat longer than what is currently provided. I have some older powders, and they can make for hard rotor movement. This is one reason I almost always use a spoon to measure. If there is no visible dust accumulation, no acrid odor and no visible evidence of colour change, the powder will be fine to use.