Only one rifle

Russ - I'd likely stick with my Rem 700 in .308 Win. It's a very accurate rifle, light enough for hunting, accurate enough for varmints - and I can shoot it pretty well in some types of rifle matches. Only the great bears worry me as far as killing/stopping power, and .308's have done that job too.

I'd also want a good .22 rimfire for small game and target practice though!

Regards, Guy

Glad to have made ya a believer outta you. Boy would we have fun around a campfire swapping the stories... Cheer and stay safe..
Hey guys, the question was ment to be for North America. I forgot about the bears. :oops: We don't have them here, heck we don't have much to hunt here. Not much land, (Thats why the speed goats didn't take) to many people. Lots of tree huggers. :( Its good to see that I'm not the only one that has a hard time picking one rifle caliber. :)
Hi Russ,

"Hard Time? deciding" Sorry but can't do it, won't do it. Heck I cant get myself down to using just 3 powders, try as I may, I still need 4..

nodak7mm":kab8r1ob said:

Glad to have made ya a believer outta you. Boy would we have fun around a campfire swapping the stories... Cheer and stay safe..

I can't even use one bullet weight for a rifle let alone one rifle and at times have quite a selection of powder.
I used to be a BIG 300win mag fan and still am but, after shooting a 280 for almost a year and now the 280 AI...............
I like the long range performance of both the 300wm and the 280, both calibers have many choices in bullet types and weights but, I like the recoil of the 280 more than the 300wm.
Brad... hey man!

Well, as you know... I went .325 WSM and have been very happy with the choice.

Though, 300 WSM is the one to buy if a guy is being purely rational about it. Can't really argue that.

You order yours yet? Got your M70 sold, right?

Well after shooting my Mark V .375Wby and it being such a hoot to shoot and an accurate cartridge to boot and if I had only one rifle to choose for anything from a coyote to brown and the big five of Africa I would go with the .375Wby mag. Now that is an emotional choice over the last two weeks. Before it would have been the Mark V 300Wby mag. except for some of the big five. :lol:
A 7mm Mag w/ muzzle brake. or
a 25 Pronghorn (25WSM), or
my good old 250 Savage and 100gr Partition. Its the only rifle Ive got, and they got lots of different kinds of antelope in Africa!! :wink: CL
The 375 H&H with 260 accubonds is pretty versatile. I also think I could live with a 338 winmag even if I have no experience with it.
If I am restricted to one rifle because of financial reasons, then I probably won't be able to afford far-away hunts either. For the midwest, the .270 will do just fine.

If I am restricted to one rifle because the government came and took the rest, there's a fair chance I will be in jail and won't have to worry about it.
Warning; I,m heavily influenced by the late great Jack O;conner. I shoot five calibers. I love them all. Take my reloading eguipment and all guns except one then all I need is my .270 and a healthy supply of 150 nosler partitions. Here is why. This is my pick to kill everything from large field mice to bull moose effectivly with just one bullet. Give me all my guns back and I,ll at least change bullet weights every time I change the size of the game I hunt. Craig Boddington wrote in this forum the best median between an 06 and .270 is probably the .280. Let me have a .270 and I don,t need an 06 or a .280. Of course I,m never going to hunt dangerous game with a .270. If the one gun has to work for dangerous game as well then I have no clue what that one gun would be. Hubcap :idea:
LOL, my dad would insist that the 308 win is the ticket.

Personally, I believe that one could get by on NA game if you "had" too with one rifle, this includes the Big Bears, without going to an enourmous magnum(bear in mind I hunt deer with a 257 wby, 264 win & 30-378wby).Any common 6mm or bigger would work on game up to elk, a 30 cal is needed for bear. Now it may not be optimal, but over the past 100 years the 30WCF(30-30), 270 and 30-06 have accounted for ALOT more big bears, elk, moose, deer, antelope etc in NA then the RUMS, WBY's WSM's combined.
May not be optimum, but if it's what you've got and you need the meat or have a bear problem you do what you have to do. At times it may take an extra bullet, alot more hunting skills & planning, bigger stones, or just plain having more time to hunt, but it can be done(possibly with more risk).

Not trying to offend anybody's views, but the "extra margin" provided by the awesome array of calibers(RUM, WBY, WSM), superb hunting bullets(thanks Nosler & Sierra), perfect optics(Leupold, swaro, B&L, Kahles), and fine firearms that we know today may not be neccessity, they are a luxary. The faithful 30-30's, 25-20's, 270's, 30-06's and 8X57's were not toys or luxeries, they too were neccessity and vital tools for survival in North America. The continent hasn't changed, we still need them to be self suffecient in many rural areas.

It wasn't all that long ago, were I grew up in Manitoba that a 22 hornet was considered an adaquate deer round if you knew how to shoot(head & neck only). Funny thing, this was right after the local sawmill closed and times were tough. Might have had a bit to do with the very gentle muzzle blast of the little hornet.....hehehe :twisted: Alot of people lived on venison in that little town for a few years in the late 80's when the economy was not so good.
Fact is, a 30-06 was considered a bit big for whitetail if you didn't shoot for the head, "wrecked to much meat" by alot of older people. Granted, I am not a fan of any .22 on deer, got stuck tracking too much from certain neighbours on account of a 22-250's killing power(on lung shots) derived from it's velocity. That was foolishnes, IMHO. Just my 2cents.

Hi Guys, I have shot basically 2 calibers all my life over 40 years.
First I shot a 270 win using 130 gr. and have shot every big game animal in Saskatchewan except a caribou and never any problem. Then I switched to a 375 H&H 235 speers and I think that I have shot every big game animal with it as well.
One, well I sold my 375 2 years ago so Jack O will be happy as I am sticking with the 270 win.