Oregon draw results online today!


Feb 14, 2007
Did a bit better than I though I would! My bro and I both drew a second choice any elk tag. His wife drew a buck and LOP doe tag. My wife is in town and didn't have her hunter number on her. Might have to go home early for "lunch" and see how she did as well.

Best of luck guys!
Applied for 6 different hunts, and 5 different species...and didn't draw a thing...that's pretty discouraging. Oh well, looks like another year hunting blacktails and second season spike elk...

Congrats on your draw results!
Don't feel bad I'v got 9 pionts for antelope and I know people that took them 18 and I know a guy that had 0 points and drew one go figure.
Well I know have eight elk points, one buck, seven speedgoat, three doe, and four bear. If the numbers hold up right I should be hunting bear and bucks again next year.
Went 2 for 2 this year, but not exatly for where or what I really wanted though. All I put in for anymore is buck and elk, everythign else in Oregon is a waste of money anymore. Takes 10+ years to draw a big bull tag or antelope tag, and about 3-4 years to draw a doe tag. Sheep and goats are like winning the lottery...

Got my buck tag for columbia basin, 3rd choice, not exactly where I wanted it for...Nearly impossible to find a place to hunt around here.

Also drew my 2nd season spike only for Mt. Emily on my 2nd choice. No luck on the big bull as my first choice, obviously since I drew it last year after 11 years.

Guess it could be worse, my twin cousins haven't drawn a single tag in the last 3 years, and they put in for everything every year, buck, doe, elk, antelope, sheep and goats. Thats almost $50 just to apply every year, after 3 years of nothing, thats close to $150 just to apply and not get squat. Another friend of mine and his wife also got skunked! Its getting to be BS!

Oregon is still a good place to hunt, when you draw the tags, but its getting worse and worse over the years. More predators and people moving in means less animals and tags being givin out.

I think 2 major things would help the deer and elk herds tremendously.

First off, we need to bring back dogs and baiting for cougars and bears. This has gotten out of hand ever since they made it illegal to run dogs or bait. Second, I think Oregon needs to do the 3 pt or larger thing for bucks. To many people go and shoot the first spike or fork they see and I dont see how thats any good for the population. That leaves little in the way of them growing up to be big mature bucks that we would all like to shoot. Dont get me wrong, I've shot forked horns, but it was always a last day or two thing.

I'd also like to comment on how totally ignorant Oregon is on its rifle seasons for elk and deer. Oregon has the shortest rifle seasons for deer and elk out of ANY western state, period. You get something like 12 days for buck, 5 days for 1st season elk and 9 days for 2nd season elk. Are you kidding me, 5-9 days to try and kill an elk? You see states like Idaho, montana, wyoming, etc that have waay more elk, less people, and there rifle seasons are what, a month or longer?? How the hel does that work?? The flipside to this whole thing is that Oregon has the longest bow seasons for deer and elk in any western state which is also somethign that needs to change. I just think its really dumb how they give them so much longer. All they do is wound and lose 1/2 the animals that are shot.

OK, I'm done ranting for now.
Our general mule deer season is only 9 days long.

Sat/Sun - all 5 weekdays - Sat/Sun

Was really tough when my son was young, just starting out, and trying to get him on a 3-point minimum legal mulie buck. Fortunately he was able to take a couple of doe type critters just to get started. Still, wait all year for nine days of hunting? Sheesh...
119A high cascade buck is what we are hunting this year. 100% odds of drawing the tag. We are hunting south of 58 on the muledeer side of the unit. Wall tent base camp with support for spike camp hunting the wilderness. Is our plan, If interested we are more than happy to share base camp logistics.
That's the reason ODFW is in such trouble...they can't recruit new hunters, and they're managing people and dollars, not wildlife anymore. Why do you think our application fees are at $8 a pop now? Revenue has to be created from somewhere.

The topic I'd add to your list would be the length of hunting pressure. When you're hunting critters from August to February in some units numbers are bound to be down. Other Western states have it right with multiple species being hunted during the same month long periods. This creates less pressure on game, more opportunity for the hunter, and a spread-out concentrations of hunters.

The reasons our seasons are structured like they are, is so wildlife enforcement can easily enforce single species hunts...hence the reason you can't even hunt bears or cougars with a valid tag, after filling a deer or elk tag...
I did so well on tags this year I am ashamed so I won't list them. But Remington man Idaho's elk population is essentialy 1/3 to 5/8's what is was 10 years ago. Tags and season lengths have been cut drastically across most of the state. If you think Bears and Cougars are bad wait until you get 5-600 wolves. Your elk and deer population will be gone. There are units in Idaho so bad that there are not enough fawns survive each year to maintain the herd. This information is on the fish and game website for all to check out!
If you have a used deer or elk tag for the unit you are hunting. It is legal to use your rifle to hunt cougar and bear, durring the season. With a valid bear or cougar tag. Oregon changed to this rule in 2009. You could always hunt bear/cogar with handgun or shotgun durring a deer or elk season.
A question for you eastern Oregon guys for 2011 season. I killed my first elk in the East Mt. Emily in about 63 or 64 (there was no east/west then) and the hunting quality has increased greatly over the years. My last elk out of there was a 5 point in 2001 or so. I see that F@G is giving out a lot of first and second tags there. I am looking for a back up spot next year and was thinking about going back up there as a back up hunt. What do you think is there a good supply of spikes available there?
Spike tags in oregon are oppotunity tags. Recreational hunts sold so hunters can go camping with a tag.
Some people do really well with spike tags. I think it takes a lot of prep, and even more luck. They give out a bunh of tags for that unit to keep funds up. If your looking for a big bull tag it will take 11 or 12 points. But there are some real good bulls in there.
I am not really looking for a really good bull, I know that they are there because I have seen them, but I won't live long enough to draw a tag. I just want a backup plan in case I don't draw a better hunt in another state. I would rather go back to my old stomping grounds than stay at home. I have had great success in the past on spikes there and wanted to make sure that the quanity of young bulls has not declined. I usually hunt that country out past the lookout to the right and left both. Its a little easier on my old legs. No more back pack trips out of Meachum creek for me, too steep!!! thanks for the feed back!!!