Painted my 243 stock/barrel


Nov 17, 2005
Finally got around to painting my Rem 700 ADL Stainless .243 Win.

I got this idea to wrap around some rope I had laying around in the shop for a diamond type look pattern. It didn't really turn out the way I had originally envisioned, but I guess it'll work.

I used the Camo Krylon in Green and Tan.

I'm waiting for my base/rings to put my 6.5-20x44 Viper on top, then its back to the bench and range for some 105 AMAX work up.

I also worked the xmark trigger down to a crisp 2lb pull in the meantime.


Very nice! Now if it was only a 6mm! :p Just had to throw that in you know. I want to hear how it shoots for you. You also did a nice job on the paint. Good Luck.
RM, that rifle looks pretty darned good. I just ordered the B&C Medalist for my 338 in Tan with Black Webbing. I like the tan. I guess great minds run on the same track! Scotty
Definately before!! J/K LOL

No, its just what I use to keep my spent primers in. Just a conversation piece or something really. You wouldn't believe how heavy one of them bottles is filled with primers!

I've always liked the desert tan with black webbing as well. I think its mostly in part due to where I'm at, the desert...It looks and fits in well around my surroundings. Heck even flat desert tan looks pretty sharp IMO.
I have to ask - did you gold-tone the receiver, or is it just my eyes playing tricks on me?

Oh, and for the record, the paint job looks pretty cool.
No gold tone, just the lighting I guess.

Thanks everyone, didn't turn out that bad I guess. Just a hard critic on myself is all.
Hey, that looks good! I've used Krylon "military flats" to camo my .308 several times.

Nice work!