pair of WIN 70-PRE-64


Jun 21, 2007
Yesterday I purchased from a friend.-

a WIN 70-PRE64 featherweight .264WM
WIN 70-pre64-STANDARD .300HH

They are in pristine condx, I have never had any of these 2 calibers.-
What should I expect form the .264WM and from the .300HH with the new powders and bullets on the market?
Ah, those calibres chambered in those rifles simply won't shoot. You'd better ship them to me. I'll take them off your hands.

Congratulations! You have a couple of fine calibres in a couple of classic rifles. Assuming they have not been abused, you should cover all the game in North America with those two calibres.
There was a problem with those winchester mod 70 rifles in 264.
If I recall correctly it was pretty serious.
If you want you can send it my way and I'll shoot the problem out for you. :grin:

Nice job scooping up those two.
It seems there is a lot of interest on this old boys,hihi.-Keep looking
for my Win70-pre64 supergrade in .270. In 30 years have never found one,but..........I know where to get it, lets see if my friend departs from it.
-He has 2 one in .270 and another in .3006.-
CZ - two mighty fine rifles, congratulations on your purchase!

I think you'll find really nice loads for both the .264 and the .300 H&H in modern manuals. Some of the newer, slow burning powders should really help those two cartridges perform!
The only problem with the 264 Win mag was the press of the day. One guy went out and tried killing off a PD town or two in the same day for a whole summer and after shooting the rifle hot for hours every day complained that the barrel was shot out in no time. Then every Tom, Dick & Harry that called himself a "gun expert", most had never ever fired a 264 mag, jumped on the bandwagon that the 264 was a barrel burner and would not last even 500 rounds. Then you had the wimps that cried the rifle was too heavy and unhandy with that long 26 inch barrel and Winchester shortened the barrel down to 24 inches and that drove the first nail in its coffin and then Remington took the 264 mag case and necked up to 7mm and that killed it about off. If you sat down and shot a 7mm mag a 100 rounds a day with the barrel hot you would shoot the barrel out in no time also. For deer size game I like the 264 mag much better than the 7 mag. I have a custom 264 with a Shilen 27 3/4 barrel. You will love that 264 mag once you get to shooting game with it. With a 120 Nosler BT at around 3300 fps with a 3 inch high zero at 100 yards you can hold dead center of a deers shoulder and not have to worry about over or under shots all the way out to 400 yards. Once you shoot you don't have to go trailing them down either because 99.9% of the time the deer is killed right in it's tracks.
Two very outstanding rounds. As Guy has said, the slower burning powders of today will surely bring those two cartridges a live. You will be surprised at how close you get the 300H&H to 300Wby velocities and with the slower powders can match 300Win and better them at times. I know you will have fun with your two new rifles and they both are very good killers with long legs.
Fotis would appreciate if you could post the pics of my rifles. Need to learn how to post pics.
thank you.-
Happy holidays and the best for this New Year.

here you go Joel.....

