Period Restorations on old Winchesters & Marlins

35 Whelen

Dec 22, 2011
Alot of you may not realize that during the winter months
We do full restorations on pre 1930 lever guns. Here are a few examples of our work on a Marlin 1894 Carbine that was quite rusty...... The other gun is a genuine Winchester model 1892 15" Trapper model . Both guns are 44WCF.
Both have been restored and then cut back about 15% so
They dont look like freshly refinished guns.IMAGE00230.jpg
I have an old Winchester lever action in 38-40 that would be neat to have this done to it. I'll see if I can find a picture.
IMAGE00251.jpgIMAGE00253.jpgHere are more detailed pics of the 1892 after we revived it.IMAGE00249.jpgIMAGE00250.jpg
Gun is fadded back to look like an UNREFINISHED.Original
Very nicely done Earle

My father collects old lever winchesters and has several different models ( I think all of them are before 1900 and I think there are six or seven, maybe eight different models ) and in some of the models he has several different calibers. In one model he has a 50 something . He does not hunt with any of them, well not let us gils touch them, and to be honest will not let anyone restore them. He keeps them clean but would not try to change their natural look and some of them look like they were used in the indian wars, possibly as a club when they ran out of bullets.
Lol, well he is a knowledgeable man. Most of the time refinishing a gun can devalue it.(unless its done HERE,( :lol: ) or at my pardner in crime, the Douglas of Turnbulls shop)
Your dads" 50 something" is most
Likely John Brownings excellently designed model 1886 Winchester in the rarest of all the calibers 50/110.
We are very fortunate to be able to have factory original
"Minty guns" that are untouched and original in all ways; to use to fade our restored guns back to look exactly the same. Its always handy to have one to go by no matter how many you have done!

Some advanced collectors have refered to this location as
"The northern division of Oliver Winchesters operations" :roll:
Man those are pretty! I'd love to have a full restoration done on my families old model 06 pump 22.
Beautiful work E. Cannot believe how nice they turn out.

I dig the "Northern Division of Oliver Winchester Operations".. That made me chuckle a little.
Well in actual fact I cant take compleate credit for that title
As my dear friend and old time pardner Bob Knapp of " Winchester Bobs" a few miles from me, has also had that
"Northern Office" thrown around as well because of our restorations and his flawless machining, we have turned
Out some decent projects over the years. Bob is unquestionably one of the finest machinest left in the country. Close to him is 1/10,000 of an inch. What a craftsman.