pierced primers


Sep 18, 2012
Hey all,
I'm new to the board and have an issue that even the pro's have different views on.

What do you all think causes pierced primers?

Sierra says high headspace, Hornady says high pressure, Hodgdons says it could be low pressure....

what say you guys?
Welcome to the forum. Without actually inspecting your rifle, a definitive diagnosis couldn't be offered (assuming that your rifle is the one piercing primers). To be certain, high pressure can cause pierced primers. I'm somewhat mystified by the argument that low pressure could be a culprit, unless there is allowance for SEE. Headspace can be the culprit. Thus, the answer is that superficially, there are several possible causes, and each would need to be eliminated in order.

Welcome to the forum.

As DrMike indicated, there are too many variables to give a single answer.
Let us know if you have details to share and we will try to help you figure it out.

I have a Remington 760 and full length sized the brass which might have caused the HS issue. The rifle is an early 760 53' to be exact. It's chambered in .308 winchester.

I loaded up 180 PT's and had a fluke one round pierced primer. I loaded up BLC2 with winchester brass CCI 200 primers.

The recoil seemed excessive from the start and seemed to get worse as the load increments increased. The primers did flatten somewhat but not filling the pockets completely. The case head didn't mic excessive. And the new primers seated with pressure indicating the pockets didn't open up.

I picked up a shoulder bumping gauge a while back and bumped the shoulder about .003 to adjust the HS but din't load up any new rounds to test fire.

Anything else needed to be brought to the table?
Does the gun pierce primers with Factory rounds?

I have an earlier 760 in .300 Sav. You have to full length resize for the pumps. Some even require small based dies..

If, factory rounds are fine, it is NOT the gun. You need to rework up your loads, or change powder, primer, etc... Is your COAL at factory specs?
It shot fine with factory ammo. But the primers were a bit flattened.

Yeah I have to rework my loads.... Dave from Hodgdons said IMR 4064 4895 or Varget.

Maybe I size too much. I touch the die on shell holder and turn a 1/4 turn more. I noticed the die is just past touching the shellholder .003 from completely sized when I measure with the shoulder bump gauge.
I thought about W760.... gonna pick up some in a couple of week with w primers...
Touching the shelholder and then going another 1/4 turn may be too much for your rifle. You may or may not need to FL size your reloads. I have neck sized for levers, pumps and autos without a problem. Your rifle will tell you. 0.003 from a once fired case is probably too much for that rifle.Rick.