Plains game with a traditional muzzleloader

Africa Huntress

Feb 14, 2012
Catskillcrawler.---- to answer your question about what Jerry will use on his Lord Derby hunt

Jerry is fond of the traditional type muzzleloaders. Flintlock, Iron Sights, J. P. Beck style longrifles, custom made from people like Martin, White and a couple others. the .50 is not cut in stone but he uses that caliber a lot.

We would be interested in what you fellows would use if you were going on a muzzleloader plains game hunt in Africa and it doesn't have to be traditional--any muzzleloader style rifle
The J.P. Beck rifles are works of art.

I have had my share of fun, and heartache, with a Hawken Woodsman percussion rifle. It seemed to rain or sleet every day for 5 or 6 years in a row during our M/L season here in NY. Have had too many decent deer give me that :shock: look hearing my sidelock go click/pop, click/pop, $#!+ :evil: !!! I went and bought an Encore 209x50 and have been satisfied with its performance.

I have been enjoying better accuracy of late since I switched from the Triple-7 pellets to FFg powder. I used to use 240 and 250gr Shockwave and SSTs but have now found better results with the 300gr SST and 110gr of FFg. If I was leaving tomorrow, I would be using that load with a Viper Vortex 2-7x33 atop of my Encore. Not so traditional but fun nonetheless.
CatskillCrawler":6mogxly1 said:
I have had my share of fun, and heartache, with a Hawken Woodsman percussion rifle. It seemed to rain or sleet every day for 5 or 6 years in a row during our M/L season here in NY. Have had too many decent deer give me that :shock: look hearing my sidelock go click/pop, click/pop, $#!+ :evil: !!! I went and bought an Encore 209x50 and have been satisfied with its performance.

I have been enjoying better accuracy of late since I switched from the Triple-7 pellets to FFg powder. I used to use 240 and 250gr Shockwave and SSTs but have now found better results with the 300gr SST and 110gr of FFg. If I was leaving tomorrow, I would be using that load with a Viper Vortex 2-7x33 atop of my Encore. Not so traditional but fun nonetheless.

Jerry would agree with you on both points. But I swear this man was born in the wrong century. He prefers horses to cars, mountains to cities, canoes to motorboats---and flintlocks (-:

However he has an Encore 209 x 50 and like yourself, feels it performs very well. At the moment one of our daughters has it and claims her father said she could have it. He doesn't remember their conversation quite the way she does (-;
CatskillCrawler":39k25iio said:
The J.P. Beck rifles are works of art.

I have had my share of fun, and heartache, with a Hawken Woodsman percussion rifle. It seemed to rain or sleet every day for 5 or 6 years in a row during our M/L season here in NY. Have had too many decent deer give me that :shock: look hearing my sidelock go click/pop, click/pop, $#!+ :evil: !!! I went and bought an Encore 209x50 and have been satisfied with its performance.

I have been enjoying better accuracy of late since I switched from the Triple-7 pellets to FFg powder. I used to use 240 and 250gr Shockwave and SSTs but have now found better results with the 300gr SST and 110gr of FFg. If I was leaving tomorrow, I would be using that load with a Viper Vortex 2-7x33 atop of my Encore. Not so traditional but fun nonetheless.

+ 1 this is what I would take as well, as it is the only one I have.

I wonder if I had a Martin made Beck Long rifle, if I would ever use it. They are sure nice

I think Tom has one that was made by Martin -- Tom, would you take it to Africa ? Either way Tom, I know you have an extensive knowledge of muzzleloaders--what would you carry on a plains game hunt ?
I have/had a T/C Omega 50 cal that I would use. My daughter has taken 2 WT bucks with it and told me that it is now hers! :)

Depending on the game, I would use 3 777 pellets and the Nosler .458 300 gr PT or the new Nosler 300 gr BT Muzzle Loading bullet.


That rifle is 2 years away from being made, Thank God. I need time to get the money together! ;)

I don't know about this one.....I don't know the animal well. Are we talking open terrain, or brushy? If thick stuff, I'd probably be tempted by the Encore that was mentioned, although I'd personally prefer an Omega or even better a Triumph if I was going with an inline.

If going with a flinter, the John Beck style is nice, although not quite my taste (that's a later Lancaster style, and I prefer the earlier Berks and Lehigh guns....think Christian Springs guns....Southeast PA guns...etc). Just my taste.

If I needed something for thicker terrain, I'd consider a Jaeger if one could be had. I have a 50cal T/C Renegade. I'm contemplating working on learning to make stocks, and that little gun in a Jaeger stock would be pretty cool..... :)
Africa Huntress":12n9o5up said:
Jerry would agree with you on both points. But I swear this man was born in the wrong century. He prefers horses to cars, mountains to cities, canoes to motorboats---and flintlocks (-:

However he has an Encore 209 x 50 and like yourself, feels it performs very well. At the moment one of our daughters has it and claims her father said she could have it. He doesn't remember their conversation quite the way she does (-;

I'd have few disagreements with his preferences. 8) Makes me wonder about you AH, if his preferences seem outdated... :lol: j/k

It seems like every gun owner who has more than one weapon suitable for big game hunting and has offspring has struggled with this dilemma at one point or another. I'd buy my son a rifle if I didn't already know that it would never be as good as my old .270Win. As long as they're in my possession when they're not in the field it's ok with me. Having him take it to his place for storage would be another story...
Gentlemen, thank you for your responses.

I spoke with him last night and he is still hell bent on taking a flinter. The area where we will be hunting is VERY remote and heavily forested, so he thought he would take two with him. Both the longrifle and a Jaeger style flinter that he had built in Germany a few years back. He originally was going to take an old double flinter but he has been unable to get it to shot as accurately as he would like.

Because of the size of the animal and the thick forest he will most likely use the Jaeger style rifle, as it is shorter and a 62. I originally, if time permitted, after his hunt, was going to hunt one of their giant forest hogs, but have decided against it as I have taken one before and they are not on my list of animals I want to hunt again. Instead of hunting I am going to concentrate on having good scotch, good cigars and good food in camp for him.

Fotis, I am also leaving my Blunderbuss at home (-;
62's are cool. That's what I have ordered in my Christian Springs-style early-pattern long rifle from Martin. Big ol' bowling balls being flung at game...

I used my trusty 50 cal T/C Renegade from the time I was 16 till a few years ago when I got my Encore pro-hunter. I use 90gr of standard Pyrodex with a 350gr Hornday great plains bullet and took many deer and hogs with it over the years. I still get it out once a year and use it during our muzzleloader season.

I have too admit I've gotten a little spoiled with my Encore!
62 caliber
40 yards
46 inch horns -lord derby eland
Jaeger flintlock
additional animals so far,, one sing sing and one bongo

No LRA problems and in fact a peace deal went into effect just a few days ago

Jerry is still there, but I made a quick trip out of the jungle to do some business for him and I am now headed back and we will be there for approximately 10 more days.
Sounds very good A! Glad Jerry was able to get out and get some hunting in. I know he deserves every chance he gets!
Sounds pretty good, thus far, Aleena. Good to have heard of what is happening thus far.
The hunt went in two stages

First half, Jerry did get his Lord Derby, but a small one, only 46 inch horns. He was shooting a custom made Jaeger style flintlock in 62 caliber. He was able to get within 40 yards which was a task all on its own. One shot one kill.
He also took a Bongo and a Sing -Sing with his flintlock so was pretty happy with the first half.

Fortunately no LRA problems and the peace plan went into effect while we were hunting. so he stayed and worked on the huge problem all countries have after a civil war, displaced citizens and children whose parents were both killed. I flew out and did some business for Jerry and then flew back and we went on the second half of the trip.

He wanted to take one of their Male lions with his flintlock. the lions in that part of the world are on average larger than in South Africa. We tracked and stalked for days and had a couple that were possibilities but he was never happy with the shot that was available to him. It is a heavily brushed area and he did not want to try to track a wounded lion in such an area . So bottom line--no lion kill .
Dr Mike and, Scotty already know this but I will post it for others to read. he has a very dry sense of humor.
When we were planning the lion hunt, it was decided that I would back him up with my 416 Rigby. After we made that decision, he said "you are a happily married woman--right ? " Funny but probably an excellent point. A man would not want to be backed up on a lion hunt with a wife who is unhappy.

He is still there and I will conduct a little business on his behalf, call and say hi to our daughters and then fly back to assist him.
It all sounds good, Aleena. Good that the LRA has been quiet. They have been a real problem. I have friends who are working with displaced children in those areas where the LRA is active. Also, my daughter was in those areas a few years back, working with some of the needs presented there.
Aleena, was Jerry hunting Lord Derby in Southern Sudan, the CAR or the Congo (DRC)? That species is pretty concentrated and hard to find in huntable numbers, as is the LRA.

Sounds like a real adventure. Congratulations to Jerry on his Lord Derby and good luck on the lion.


The next time you want someone you trust to back you up on a lion hunt, dump that broad you used this time and take me. I could care less whether you took out the trash or not, so no need to worry about my emotional state LOL
Good show, gettng Lord Derby Eland and a lion, Jerry. The CAR must be a very different experience as well, considering the threat of the LRA and all?
A, was Jerry shooting a round ball? How is the accuracy with the rifle? Don't know much about them.