Please vote!

I just got home from a trip by the local gun-shop. It is not open yet, but there is about 10 customers in a line outside. It'll be another good day for gun sales!
Well, we the people proved we were not racist in 2008. Yesterday we proved we were stupid. :cry: :cry: :cry:
Well I can honestly say I didn't vote for him as I'm sure most if not all of us here did not vote for him. A sad day for this country.
Paul B.
I voted. This is a sad day. What's really sad is approximately 33% of Americans voted. That is pathetic.
Again, the difference in the key states was the people who voted Independent. They think they are urbane, smart and are sending a message, when all they are doing is assuring disaster and being selfish! This election should have been won by Romney but the Independents proved agin how stupid they are and it will cost us big time with Barry Soetero!
I am numb.
This is going to cost us big time.

I went to the drug store this morning,,,looking for a morning after pill,,,,,no such luck. :x :cry:
Don't expect the major media to tell us much of the disaster that is gathering to assail the nation. They will, however, tell us how hip out Prez is. Undoubtedly, he will be able to get in quite a bit of golf and extended vacations for himself and his family. Hollywood must be proud of their prescience!
I think they are all clueless as to how it will be if this Country has a total economic collapse. Most don't have skills to survive.
I don't have any skills to survive! A 40 years old Master's degree, 35 years of engineering and management skills which are old, plus bad health, shot lungs, dead brain cells and no chance of getting a job as an engineeer again as I have been retired for 11 years!

Obama has trashed my 401'k. Illness and property values in Washington and Oregon took care of the rest! Thank you President Hollywood!