Powder in my area.


Mar 6, 2017
Seems to be back pretty much full bore. Particularly at 1 shop that I frequent. Primers? Still not showing up for the most part.

This was their stock as of 2 wks ago. 8 lbs & 1lb in both the 4350's, same with Varget, same with H1000. In just 1 lbs they got not everything, but everything most people would use. Even got Retumbo.

I quit buying a while back. Got enough of my own stuff to work through and don't see the reason to spend money right now when I don't have to. Hope you guys are seeing the same if you need it.

So, you guys have all the IMR 4064. I haven't seen that or 4166 on a shelf in months. Or just about any IMR powder, really.
Seems to be back pretty much full bore. Particularly at 1 shop that I frequent. Primers? Still not showing up for the most part.

This was their stock as of 2 wks ago. 8 lbs & 1lb in both the 4350's, same with Varget, same with H1000. In just 1 lbs they got not everything, but everything most people would use. Even got Retumbo.

I quit buying a while back. Got enough of my own stuff to work through and don't see the reason to spend money right now when I don't have to. Hope you guys are seeing the same if you need it.

Wao, thats how the sheleves used to look like before covid. I don't even bother to check anymore. Got enough 243, 270. 30-06 and 300WBY loaded for me an my kids to last me till the next administration. Hope to see shelves like that everywhere sometime again.
Sure could use a lot of that. Still a pound here and there up here in AK. Would really like to find some primers one of these decades....
So, you guys have all the IMR 4064. I haven't seen that or 4166 on a shelf in months. Or just about any IMR powder, really.

This is a small shop. I figured the amount of powder they've been getting in for a while now that it would be showing up around the states. I haven't been keeping up with much of what's going on like in times past. Perhaps I should start a delivery service.
Seems to be back pretty much full bore. Particularly at 1 shop that I frequent. Primers? Still not showing up for the most part.

This was their stock as of 2 wks ago. 8 lbs & 1lb in both the 4350's, same with Varget, same with H1000. In just 1 lbs they got not everything, but everything most people would use. Even got Retumbo.

I quit buying a while back. Got enough of my own stuff to work through and don't see the reason to spend money right now when I don't have to. Hope you guys are seeing the same if you need it.

Kinda curious what the prices are. There is some awfully "rare” stuff on those shelves.
Kinda curious what the prices are. There is some awfully "rare” stuff on those shelves.

I honestly don't know. Like I said I haven't been buying so haven't been keeping up with stuff. I'll try to call them and get a couple prices just out of curiosity. In the past they've been good about keeping their margins the same regardless of what was going on. They're paying more obviously than old prices, but I don't know what the current prices are.
Yeah it’s been slow but things are coming back. I get shootingbot notices much more often now than before, and the local shops are getting some things back. Now if the prices would just start easing off.
It’s been many months since I been to my local LGSs , so I’m not sure what are local stock is.
I haven't seen that much powder in a while. Did see Varget, H4831and IMR4895 today. That's something. Dan.
We are seeing a few small quantities of H4831, H4350, Varget, and Reloader 25 showing up in 1# locally but they sell out quickly. The price has been running at $59.99 a pound.
So I called up and got a couple prices. High, but I guess not outrageous. I mean, really it is, but the only thing you can do is compare to even higher prices in some places.

More common or older powders like IMR 4350 are $37.99 for the lb's and $279 for the 8 lbs. The more sought after or harder to get powders like the Vargets, H4350, etc are $42.99 for the lbs, and $300 for the 8 lbs.
Was going back through some of my receipts because I knew some of the last powder I bought was from this shop. I had some dates wrong in my head. Knew I had bought a jug of 4350 and I thought it was 2019, but it was 2020. Paid $179 for it. And then a jug I had forgot about, in March 2021 I bought a jug of IMR 4831 from them and paid $219. So the same lines of powder are up 28% from a yr ago, and 55% from 2 yrs ago.

I will never understand this inflation rate that comes out every month. The latest was 9.1%, a new high. Everything I touch and use is up 30% on the low end, many things are well over 50%, some things double. A 9.1% inflation rate year over year means that something that cost a $1 this month last yr would now cost $1.09. Heck that I wouldn't even notice. Most things I have to buy is a head shaker at the new price.
Very impressive! I wish my LGS had that type of selection. However, it is coming back. I saw a pound of Retumbo at my local Bass Pro a couple weeks ago. First time I've seen it on a shelve since this whole mess started.