powder residue on base of case


Dec 13, 2006
Whoot a new to me 35 Whelen today. Moderate load of RL-15 with a 225 gr Gameking.

Several of the cases has a lot of powder residue along the ebase. No signs of over-pressure.

What is causing this?

What did the necks look like? Looks to me to be either gas blow by from a bad neck seal when fired usually caused by low charge weight of powder. Other possibles cause I can think of is that the case was sized to short or maybe a rough chamber that is not allowing a good gas seal.

The powder charge was on the low side as I was just sighting in load and was buring up some bullets. Necks look fine

It was only 4 or 5 of the 20 cases fired. Will load up more for next week with some new brass and see how they do.

I just picked up a bunch of 250 gr round nose Hornady for a decent price, so will shoot a bunch of those.

New or used brass? I would be worried that he base of the case is seperating and letting the propellant gases escape.... CL
Insufficient pressure to seal the neck causes this situation. As you increase charge, this will no longer be seen. It would likely be beneficial to anneal the necks so they are more malleable.
I used 53 gr of RL-15....probably too light. Thanks for the information.

Loaded up some 250 gr RN tonight with 57 and 58.5 gr of RL-15. Will hit the range next week.

Oh...here is the rifle with a Leupold 2.5-8

Quite a handsome rifle; the CDLs are attractive, and quite a few can shoot very well.
Did your primers seat all the way after firing? That is another indication that you might not of had a hot enough load.
Looks to me as though you did not fully obturate the case into the rifle chamber. Try a hotter load.
They are some good looking rifles and shoot pretty well too. Mine has done nothing but good things since I've owned it and I've never adjusted anything but the trigger.