Pre 64 Model 70 9.3x62

For a well put together custom the non-factory bottom metal doesn't hurt it. As for the stock I was betting that it is a Featherweight since they are easier to work with as they are not inletted for the barrel lug.

However on a second look if you look at the second picture you can see the spot on the bottom of the wood for the tension screw and now that you mention it I agree that it is an older stock.

This is one that would need to checked in person for sure. If well done then no price issues but from here I can't make that judgement.

The barrel tension screw hole is inletted into the stock as seen in the pictures and that makes it a older rifle stock, not Featherweight. That is my issue with this rifle. I can only judge just what I am seeing from the pictures. I just go by the the (5) books presently in my library about Winchesters and having owned nearly (30) Model 70's in my lifetime, most of which were Pre 64 Rifles and carbines, including a few Featherweights.

I definitely would have to see this rifle and take the stock off before buying at this price. Just being cautious from a few not-too-good experiences during the learning curve on these rifles.