Preping new pistol brass


Oct 2, 2004
Just got some new 40 S&W brass. What do you do to new brass before reloading? On my rifle brass I deburr the flash hole, turn the neck, chamfer the inside of the neck, and clean the primer pocket to make the pockets all the same depth. I load for 38/357 mag also and never did anything to that brass. Thanks.
Some may disagree, but I don't think its all that necessary to prep the brass for a short range gun.
I would run the brass through the sizing die to ensure you have no feeding problems.

I just load it like normal reloads, no prep work at all. Maybe check the length.

But this may speak to my abilities with a handgun...
I bump it against an expander to true up the case mouth then I run it against the low angle inside chamferer on my rcbs trimmate. I shoot 357 in a contender so I don't have to bell the stuff.
You may want to check case length since the 40S&W along with the 45acp, 9mm Luger and 380auto head space on the mouth of the case.
Bell it and load it.