Ok, so before I got an RCBS hand primer I was priming some Lapua 6BR brass with a Lee autoprime.
The lid on the primer tray was broken and I had a rubber band holding it in place...... :roll:
( yeah I know, what was I thinking? )
Now I have about a half dozen cases with the primers in them inverted.
Obviously not safe to run through a die and knock the primers out.
What should I do?
Don't really wanna toss the cases.
Should I soak them in penetrating oil and then try to deprime them or just admit defeat and mark it as a lesson learned the hard way?
The lid on the primer tray was broken and I had a rubber band holding it in place...... :roll:
( yeah I know, what was I thinking? )
Now I have about a half dozen cases with the primers in them inverted.
Obviously not safe to run through a die and knock the primers out.
What should I do?
Don't really wanna toss the cases.
Should I soak them in penetrating oil and then try to deprime them or just admit defeat and mark it as a lesson learned the hard way?