Problem with Seating Bullets 300 RUM AND 30-06



After setting my bullet seating die for a certain depth, what causes the differences I'm experiencing using the same 180 AB Bullet. I have had this thing set for a depth of 4.030 all along, yesterday it was seating them at 4.010. Weird! Is it the bullets? Had to adjust the setting. Was ok for a few loads then had to adjust it again.

Also had the same experience with 165 Ballistic Tips, but I think I may had had a batch of some earlier versions vs the newer ones. Is there that much difference in bullets or am I just doing something wrong here?

Can anyone enlighten me to this issue?


What you are seeing is the variances in the bullet along with the varience stack of the die and press.

I've found that sometimes something is weird and the bullet will seat deep or shallow even though I didn't change the seating die. I usually set the seating die a little less the desired seating depth and then fine tune as I make each round. This takes more time, but I'm positive of the COL of each round. I'm also using the CO-AX press which significantly reduced this issue as compared to my Lee Turret press which was sensitive to how much pressure I used to seat the bullet.
I measure from the base to tip of the bullet, and yes I'm aware of the potential issues from distorted tips and so on, but it's worked for me so far.

DON, how about you??????
My set up is RCBS Rock Chucker press, Forester Seating Dies, Hornady OAL Gauge seating bullets from Ojive. It's also happened with RCBS Dies as well.This is not the first time for this, it has surfaced many times for me. Just wanted to see if others experience it too. I guess it comes with the territory.

JD, I believe you hit the nail on the head, stating about the bullet variances. There isn't a perfect bullet.

To determine the problem there are a few things you can do. All your brass should be from the same lot. Clean the dies and Polish your expander ball. Check for any trash in the seater stem. Measure about 20 bullets from base to ogive and use those that are within a couple thousants. The dies should be tightened into your press the same amount each time. Are you using the same shell holder each time? Is the brass the correct length and has been chamfered? The amount of force you use to seat can cause a variation in length.Rick.