problems with powder burn rate charts!


Feb 9, 2007
I looked at the burn rate charts provided on here and you look at Hodgon and they list varget much slower burn rate than does the reload bench? How can that be? Reload B has Varget faster than IMR 4064 and Hodgon has it much slower than IMR 4064? How can one have 2 differenr burn rates? It is either faster or slower correct?
Not really. Remember lot #'s of tthe same powder can vary as much as 10%!
Now if 2 powders are that close and one lot is 10% faster than the last and one is 10% slower than the last then ther is your switch.

Also to complicate things further be advised that certain powders can have a different burning rate in certain cartridges. For instance try H450 (now defunct) in the 264 win mag. Man oh man talk about spikes! Acts like A LOT faster thatn in others.

Burning charts are only a reference, use them as such.
+1 to POP.
In addition, there are multiple ways to test burn rate, and they do not always yield the same results.
To emphasise what PoP was saying, the military uses two main powers in their small arms, i.e. .223 and .308. The Faster lots are labeled wc844, the slower lots are labeled wc846, but in reality, they are the same powder. Burn rate charts are like everything else in this art. A reference to be used carefully, and when in doubt, cross reference several different ones! :?

This is why I always try to get the larger container of powder. This helps keep variables from lot to lot of the same powder from causing issues. If I have to get a new container of powder and I am using it for a load that I know is near max, I will load a couple rounds at a lower charge and crony them to determine if I need to be extra careful.
Hey POP, I have a few cans of H450, thought about using it in 30-06
and 25-06. Be for informal targets, as I have my pet loads figured out for
hunting using other powders.

What cartridges do you recommend for this old powder?