Project rifle... maybe not


Jun 18, 2011
I bought a used Savage 111 with the intent of making it a somewhat long term diy project, rebarrelling it to 6.5-06. I started by stiffening up the barrel channel with a piece of aluminum c channel and epoxy.

I shot it today and I'm not sure I'll be able to bring myself to rebarrel.


If it continues to shoot like this, it's probably going to stay as is.
I would be hard-pressed to tear down something that shoots that well. I don't see the benefit of the 6.5-06 over the .270 other than the allure of shooting something fairly unique. Not sure if A-Square or anyone else produces brass. Not trying to be a kill-joy here, just thinking aloud.

Meanwhile, I shoot 222 Rem, 358Win, 357Sig and 480 Ruger and want a 338-06 badly. I do get the nostalgic value of shooting something different.

Tough choice, good pick-up tho!
rick smith":1t4pxg0v said:
Never shoot the donor!!!!! Rick.

Dewd... the golden rule of rifle building and YOU BROKE IT :( !

Sure didn't turn out w/ bad results though!

I've got a 110 that was 270 WCF and I rebarreled to 338-06 which was great, but sold that barrel and have a 338-06 AI barrel ordered. Am going to run that and a 6.5-06 AI as a switch barrel. They're fantastic to play with, and I'm telling you sincerely... if I can do the work in as short a time as I did, ANYONE CAN!! Seriously.

I kept the .270 tube for my buddy's son who has a 110 in .243 and is likely to want it when he grows up a bit.

Go through with it and make it a switch barrel. AI the 6.5 just to justify the switch (.277 to .264 hardly seems worth it... at least to normal, sane individuals :) ) !

Dem Savages shoot lights out, right outta da box! BRILLIANT!
Trevor, while I agree, the 6.5-06 doesn't have anything over the 270, it is still a bunch of fun to mess with those 6.5 bullets. Very sleek, lighter recoil compared to the 270 and just something different. I get what your trying to do. Really would be a cool project it sounds like! Although, never hurts to have a spare 270 for a partner or kid around hunting season. Scotty
That's what I'm thinking, Scotty. My oldest is three right now, but this rifle will probably stick around for them. I'll, of course, be able to enjoy it in the meantime. This rifle is a DBM model, which limits the after market stock options with out converting it or the stock. If it continues to shoot like this, I'll probably wait and buy a blind mag model to use for the 6.5-06.

I know the 6.5-06 isn't all that different from the .270, but the bullet selection and B.C. is quite a bit better. The rifle I have planned is a little different anyway - #4 or #5 contour (maybe even a light varmint) 26" barrel.

I'm after the whole -06 family, so the .338-06 and 35 Whelen are on the list too, but I think those will be on CRF actions, M70's in all likelihood. There is the chance that the .338-06 could come in the form of a Wby. Ultra Lightweight or a Cooper.
I bought a Savage 111 in 7Mag with the same intent of using it as donor but, mine shoots too good to mess too.

C.Smith":n48u54i7 said:
I bought a Savage 111 in 7Mag with the same intent of using it as donor but, mine shoots too good to mess too.


Same thing happened to me Corey. :mrgreen:
110 Tactical in 7 Rem Mag.
