Pronghorn - too small?

If you read the whole thread and stare at the pictures here is what I look for:
That third buck in the OP looking straight on with his ears 'normal'? Picture taking that head from chin to eartips and placing it on the skull. If the image of his head only would fit with the eartips close to the top of the horns he's really good and close to 80 points. (The one in the picture doesn't make it.) This is easier for me than trying to remember how big eyeballs are and how long ears are! I just hope what I described makes some sense. Again, when they are in normal posture and looking at you, the triangle from chin to eartips should come close to fitting inside the triangle from skull top to horn tops. Curl length, mass, cutter length all matter and if they are exceptional in any of those areas then the horn triangle can be smaller and the goat can still be great.
Just something that has worked for me guys.
I have only shot one antelope (14+ inches) and it was awhile ago but here is a picture, when I still had brown hair and not gray.

Great picture Jim! That is pretty cool. I was about 5 years old when that picture was taken! :twisted:
Who are all these young guys shooting antelope. None of them look like anyone I imagine I normally read after. :roll:
Yup, I was a young buck back then, all of 23 years.
So 30 yrs later, I am hoping to draw tags and heading back to WY for another antelope. This time, my hair is shorter and grayer but I am still shooting a M700. :mrgreen:

To be honest, a big buck would be nice but its not important. Being with my friend Fotis and his family is what it is about. If I can get the range, dope the wind and shoot straight, the antelope buck and doe will be the bonus.

I have this picture on the wall in my office. The customers like it. He used to live on FE Warren AFB about 15 yrs ago. He ran around like a rock star that owned the place. He wandered off the base and got hit by a car and died. He was fun to watch. Brian


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