Proud Dad Day!

I did not have to take Hunters Safety Course until I moved to Califonia in 1973. I am old enough that I never had to take it either in Canada or in Maine prior to going into the service. I was 30 years old when I took it. Everyone in Califonia must take it to get a Hunting License. It was interesting and despite feeling a little strange taking it with all of the 16 year old kids, it was worth an afternoon. I did not have to take the range proficiency class though because I had qualified during Army Trainfire.
Keep up the good work Scotty! The fun and work is just begining! Congrats to the fine young man!
That's great Scotty. Congrats to him. My grandson was 12 years old when he got his about 6 months ago & I got him his lifetime hunting and fishing license for his 13th birthday.
Nice, I would like to do that as well for my boy! Scotty