QL Load data 7x57 143 Hammer Hunter


Aug 19, 2012
I am working on getting an old Mod 77 Tanger in 7x57 (going to try it again!) It has a 22" barrel and I plan on using the 143gr Hammer Hunter IF QL lists it? I plan on going to 60K+ or so. If QL doesn't list it, is there a comparable bullet you could run for me? Thanks! Rev Jim
Thanks Fotis...looking at their data, between the 7x57 and 7mm/08, I see no reason not to go by the 7mm/08 Max, do you? I'm sure it has to do with "lots of old M95 Mausers" out there, etc, and not the Ruger 77. If I'm not mistaken, the 7x57 even has a grain or three more capacity anyhow. Am I wrong Pard?
The Hammer bullets generate less pressure then the Barnes TSX bullets and their data "may" not be the best for Hammers. Steve from Hammer recommends using Nosler data for cup & core bullets of the same weight. That seems to work out pretty well.

Just my 2 cents
Any QL for the 7x57; 22" barrel, 63K (for a Ruger 77 long throat) and the Speer 160 Mag Tip and 175 Grand Slam please?