Question for you Model 70 nuts...

Oh, decision was made some time ago... I just like looking at beautiful rifles, like those two Winchester 70's.

I'm sticking with my pair of Rem 700 CDL's in .25-06 & .30-06, they're really, pretty much perfect for me.



I think that .25-06 has brought me eight mulies now. Kind of lost track in there somewhere. And a pronghorn. And has struck fear in the coyote population. And totaled a few rock chucks... The .30-06 will in all likelihood accompany me to Wyoming this year for mule deer & pronghorn. Both are great rifles. I just let a pretty stock or two, on those Winchesters, grab my attention for a bit.

I won't be surprised if someday I sell my .375's and just settle on these two 700 CDL's as my primary hunting rifles. The .25-06 already fills that role for the most part.

Regards, Guy
Nice looking rifles and two calibers that compliment each other well.


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Guy, I couldn't give up my Remington Classics either. By the way, what brand of military sling do you use?
Sorry Guy I misread your original post. I thought you were deciding between the two on which one to buy. Your Remington's look beautiful. I have always wanted a 25.06.
Oh, I would have enjoyed bringing home either Model 70, and hunting with them. But I don't really even want another rifle. If I brought one home, something would have to go. Just let my head get turned by a couple of pretty Winnies. Got me all fired up about buying one. I got over it.

Sometimes an eye may wander but only the fool follows the eye.

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If they sent you that from the FFL without looking at it you are 1 lucky man! Great pick up Bruce and gotta be a tack driver! I like the 3.5x18 range scopes on this caliber rifle and I would never rule out a fixed power myself! It deserves some sweet glass for sure! You figured it out yet?