Quick Load .45acp

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
My chronograph went south and was wondering if I could get a quick load for .45acp using Clays powder and Federal primers.
I 'm planning on going to the National Pistol matches at Camp Perry Ohio next week and would like to see if my velocity's are with end range .
Load is 4.2grs of Clays with a Zero 185gr JHP and Star line brass once fired.
Thanks in advance guys.
Unfortunately, QL does not include anything from Zero or Roze Distribution in the bullet databases. However, I looked at the conical 185-grain HP on Roze's website and the profile is similar to Speer's 185-grain Gold Dot. I ran that bullet, and with a 4.2 grains of Clays your velocity should be about 866 fps---assuming a five-inch barrel.
Unfortunately, QL does not include anything from Zero or Roze Distribution in the bullet databases. However, I looked at the conical 185-grain HP on Roze's website and the profile is similar to Speer's 185-grain Gold Dot. I ran that bullet, and with a 4.2 grains of Clays your velocity should be about 866 fps---assuming a five-inch barrel.
Thanks for your help.
The Zero 185 JHP is also very similar to the Nosler 185gr JHP the AMU uses and supplied by Alanta arms ammunition. that seems to be a little hot for my liking but the load shots good out of my pistol at 50yds, 1-1/2" 10 shot groups off a rest.
You're welcome.

I ran the Nosler 185 CC JHP (44847) and it comes in at 868 fps, damn near identical.
You're welcome.

I ran the Nosler 185 CC JHP (44847) and it comes in at 868 fps, damn near identical.
Yeah if you look at the 2 side by side the only difference is the polished high luster finish and the price.