Range day before Texas pigs 6mm..... 25-06


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
I went out one more time to try my 25-06 and my 6mm and 356 Win.
Once again it was 40-50 MPH gusts from the 270 degree position. Sicked really bad!
The 25-06 with my 59 gr of Retumbo did great as before.
3250 fps with the 110 Accubonds and once again in the huge winds about .65" or so. The bedding worked well and I have complete faith in this rifle and load. Both times same load at gale winds! Both under .7".
Here is today's group.


Also I tried 100 gr BT's with 57 gr of RL 22. Velocity was about 3360 fps and in the nasty winds this is what she did.
I think I can tune this one down, not that I need it!


The 6mm and 95 gr ballistic tips were next. 50 gr of Reloder 25 did this. Just about an inch or so. Speed should be about 3250 or so.


With the rest rounds with this load I proceeded to bust 2"-3" rocks at 200 yards no problem!

At this point the winds were howling so I moved the target at 50 yards to verify zero with the 220 gr Speers at 2310 fps with H322. My first shot was dead center at 50 yards exactly 1.3" high.

Now I had last week's 85 gr sierras at 3375 fps to re verify for the 6mm. I decided not to move the target back to 100 yards due to the gale winds. So this is what she did at 100 yards last week


And this is the same load but at 50 yards,


I know 50 yards is not really reality but.........

What do you guy's think?
Looking good, Fotis. I do have one question, however. How do you manage to stay grounded in those 450 mph winds?
DrMike":21okylaa said:
Looking good, Fotis. I do have one question, however. How do you manage to stay grounded in those 450 mph winds?

The 6mm and the .25-06 are just that good. A mere 450 mph wind is nothing to those two superb cartridges... :mrgreen:
Well, with that sort of grouping, there will shortly be sausage in the freezer. Good luck on the hunt. You are set as far as the rifle and load is concerned.
I am really considering the 6mm with 85 gr Sierras for the pig hunt but I am concerned with bullet integrity!
The hogs are not generally monsters there, but because of the possibility of a close shot, I'd probably lean to the heavier bullet, possibly the 25-06 and 110 ABs. Likely the 6mm with 85 grain Game Kings will work, but I'd have more confidence in the heavier bullet because of inherent integrity in the design. Just my $0.02.
Well the 356 is going for sure! No question there,
Stephan (my son) will take his 325 WSM

maybe I will take the 6mm as a second
Pop too bad you didn't have a chance to try either the 85 or 95 gr. Parititon or the 90 gr. E-tip before your trip............. Good luck to you and shoot straight. I dont' know if even Nodak 7mm has been in 450 mph hour winds before or not, and they have nothing in ND to slow things down :!: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Looks like you are good to go buddy.
Good luck with the hogs.

Shoot a pig with that gameking and show us pictures. That bullet sure shoots great out of my 243, but as you know, no pigs 500 miles from here.
On second thought, I think you should try the 85 TSX for hogs. That bullet shoots within half inch POI of the Sierra out of my 243 A-bolt. Any of these bullets or a Partition should do the trick on a hog out to 300 or so placed between the ear and eye or betwixt the eyes, I would certainly think.
I am not saying the 85gr GK is a monster or anything, but it seems like a "tough" bullet. Kinda similar to the 165gr HPBT GK in that respect. Not sure, you are pushing them to about the same speed I was and they did great. Not sure about hogs though, never shot one.

I imagine between your 25-06 and the 356, you are well covered, plus you have the boy backing you up with the 325WSM! Again, I would think your 6mm would be fine as long as you don't try to break shoulders. Heck, it would be good to see what it does, just to see if it is as tough as I think they are.

Great shooting on all accounts. That is some wind to deal with! Scotty
POP everyone that is worth his salt knows that a 25-06 is the closest thing to a death ray. When I go deer hunting with my 25-06 all I do is get the deers attention and then point to the rifle and they just fall dead. :roll: :mrgreen: Looks like you are set to take the grunt out of any pig. Have a good hunt.
I did try the 100 gr Partitions in the 6mm remington but no dice. Kool Blue hated them.
I thought about taking the 25-06 for the piggies bit to be honest with you I have killed so much game with that caliber that it is almost boring now. So 356 win and I will take cool blue and see what the little Sierra can do.

Hope the wind blows in Texas so those rifles keep on grouping like that :grin: You might have hit upon the ultimate handloader/rifle tuner challenge: rifles that shoot BETTER when the wind is howling!! Only in Wyoming..... heck, I can't even stand up straight when I go out of state in the winter time :)

Bring home some oinker and tell us all about it. I'm anxious to hear how the .325 does for your son.
