Yesterday I had an experience to share with all. My first round down range created a fair amount of smoke in and around my action. Upon extracting my empty case, I found a pierced primer, I could actually see light through it. No extracter markings nor difficulty with the bolt. I went back up to the house and checked my scales, powder etc to insure that I did not mix something up. I had not! I have shot this same load a couple hundred times so I was thinking a bad primer. I then fired another round with the same result. Hmmmm, as I sat there pondering my history for the morning, I remember than I had put the loaded rounds in my pocket on the way to the range, (200 yards from the house) but had went into the house and chatted with my wife while she finished her coffee. So now I am thinking that heat may be an issue. So with a wet rag and some ice I returned to the bench where the rest of the loaded rounds lay. After wrapping them in the rag and letting them set for 15 min, no further primer problems!!!!!! It is really hard for me to believe that my body temperature raised the temps on those rounds enough to creat the problem. But I won't do it again.