Range Day with the M700 CDL 25-06


Dec 24, 2006
Well, I was able to get the M700 CDL 25-06 out to the range. I figured it was dry enough to test. They said 2.5 days, I let it go almost four! Anyhow, I loaded 59.5gr, 60.0 and 60.5 of Retumbo and the 115gr BT's all seated to 3.250". I ended up using the CCI BR2's and it seems like they worked fine. I shot 3 fouler shots with the Rem 100gr Core Lokts I had left over from the beginning of this nightmare.

59.5gr shot pretty decent. About 9/10's of an inch

60 shot really well also, just a touch smaller, right around .750"

60.5 really started to open up again. I shot 4 cause I thought I had a called bad shot, but it seems like it just wouldn't come together

Anyhow, it shot pretty well. I had three more of each charge, but I didn't have alot of time at the range and didn't even have time to set up the chrono.

Here is another "hate Remington comment"... Those 100gr, Green box factory loads are so unconsistent, I could NOT chamber one of them. Meaning, the shoulder was .014" forward on one loaded case. I could only push the bolt forward, but it would not cam down. I tryed about 10 times and realized, it wasn't anything I had done. The next one I grab, chambered and fired, but they are trash! Anyhow, the rifle shot well, and should be a good shooter. Seemed pretty consistent for the little bit I got to shoot it. I will mess with seating depth the next time around. I figure 60gr's looks pretty good and the speed should be more than acceptable. I didn't have time to chrono anything, so I will hit it up next time. Overall, I didn't ruin the rifle and it shoots. Scotty
Good deal Scotty.

Just a little TLC with the right load and you will be thee.

I think so too Jim. I think it wants to shoot now. With some better loads it will come around even more I believe. Scotty
Not bad for first trip out! Your velocity should be around 3200fps. I think with a little more time and tweeking, 1/2 MOA is gonna be easily achievable. Makes for a heckuva combo!

I think I was using around 58 or 58.5 of Retumbo with the 115g NBT and getting 3250fps and 1/2 MOA.
Looks as if you are on track now. Shortly, you will have the 0.5 MOA load that you are craving.
Scotty -

Looks good - drastic improvement !

I tweak here, a twist there and you'll be seeing that 1/2in
Thanks all. You don't know how happy I was to see those groups! I really had to keep from jumping up and down with excitement! I was hoping nothing got worse and it didn't. Now that it has pillars and glass, I have a ton more confidence in the rifle too. Seems rock solid.

RM2506, I tried 58-58.5 the first time out and I didn't get enough pressure to seal the chamber so I got really carboned cases. Maybe switching to mag primers would help. Did you run MAG primers out of yours.

Mark, I think it will come around really well. I am still thinking I want to put something in the 4.5x14 on it. I think it really deserves a good piece of glass. I think I will be putting a Leupold on it come Winter, so the mighty 338 can reclaim it's 2.5x8! 8X is really tough to make out the 1/2 dots at 100. At least for me. If it was bright and shiny, it might have been better, but even with a VX3, there isn't enough mag to really SEE the dot.

Next step is to lengthen the bullets .010 and see what they do on the 60gr charge. Scotty
Scotty -
looking at the targets, the 60 grain charge looks like the best place to work from to me as well. I know you don't want to have too many different powders laying around the bench, but if the seating depth.primer changes don't bring it to .5 MOA, R25 may be a good powder to try.
Joel, that was what I was thinking also! I actually have some on the bench, so I might try some of it the next time out. I really need a full day of shooting with it, just to really ring it out and see what it likes/dislikes. I will continue working with the Retumbo, as I think it wants to shoot. I am thinking a little more length on them will start bringing it in...

What do you all think about the factory Remington cartridge not even fitting in a Remington chamber? I was kind of blown away about that. How it quality control that bad! Scotty
beretzs":1qwrgpa1 said:
What do you all think about the factory Remington cartridge not even fitting in a Remington chamber? I was kind of blown away about that. How it quality control that bad! Scotty

to me it speaks volumes on where their quality control is.
Yeah, I am going to head down and measure them again. I just wanna throw the specs up so you all can see the actual difference. Scotty

I would send your findings to Remington and express your concerns on their QC. Maybe thye will send you a box of ammo and you can use the brass for loading.

Here are the pictures.

This is the unfired, factory in my M700 CDL. It is the Green Box 100gr Core Lokts. If you look at the picture, that is as far as I could chamber their round.


Here is the culprit loaded round. I measured it using the comparator in order to measure off the shoulder. I got 3.177"

Here is the next LOADED round. It measures a more acceptable 3.164"

A fireformed to my chamber Remington case measures 3.167"

The culprit round is about .013" too long? How the HECK could that pass as anything acceptable. It is funny, I have seen so many firsts since I have got this 25-06 I am good for about 25 years! Anyhow, figured you all would like to see this. Talk about a hunt ruiner! Imagine have to chamber this round with a monster muley standing 250 yards out, after making a huge climb and then trying to load this round in the chamber to take a shot? If you didn't know better, you would think you were crazy. I did. I thought something was wrong with my rifle. Scotty
JD338":3huqm8pe said:

I would send your findings to Remington and express your concerns on their QC. Maybe thye will send you a box of ammo and you can use the brass for loading.


I plan on calling them and seeing what they say. I am not expecting much though Jim. I have officially written Remington off my Christmas card list! Scotty
If you get a chance pick up a pound of RL 17 my loads with retumbo looked like yours then when I switched to 17 they puckered up!
Rgr, I have been looking for something to try RL17 in, so I will give it a try Nitis. Scotty
That is pretty dramatic difference in case length, Scotty. I would think that Remington would want to see that information.
That's sure a vast improvement over your shotgun patterns you previously had!! I think you will find what it likes in no time. Good luck with it Scotty, ya done good!
DrMike":1pftdetc said:
That is pretty dramatic difference in case length, Scotty. I would think that Remington would want to see that information.

I think they would also, but then again, they might not give a hoot.

6mm, thanks. I am looking forward to shooting it some more now. It is a gentle ben compared to my magnums and others! Scotty