Range Day with the M700 CDL 25-06

Scotty I know you might not get the velocity you do with R22 or R25 or Retumbo, but IMR4350 and good old H4831SC showed good results in my wife's 25-06. Hers only has the 22" barrel though.

That 25-06 is kind of like the energizer bunny, it just keeps on giving!, wonder what else yoiu will find????
6mm, I am going to stick with Retumbo until I exhaust all avenues, then I am going to try some of your advice and drop back to a faster powder. I think I will get what I want, and Nosler's #6 seems to have some good data for Retumbo, so there has to be something to it?

Bill, yeah, the M700 CDL is doing okay. Just took the stock off and sprayed down the few little bare spots I had after dremeling with Tru Oil. I taped up all the spots that were bedded so I was only spraying bare wood. If I get a chance, I will load some more tonight and see how they shoot later this week. Scotty

I didn't think the two groups looked bad at all, both at or smaller than one inch so your bedding must have helped a bunch. The ammo problem was what I was referring to with my caustic comment. In all of my years I have never known anyone else to have that problem!!!!!
I got ya Bill! Yeah, this M700 has made a bunch of firsts for me, some good, some bad, but all good learning points for me.

Remington is sending me pre paid postage in order to send the cartridges back though. They also said they will send me out a new box. Might be good for a spare box of ammo for a friends rifle! Scotty
beretzs":2arn3up7 said:
I got ya Bill! Yeah, this M700 has made a bunch of firsts for me, some good, some bad, but all good learning points for me.

Remington is sending me pre paid postage in order to send the cartridges back though. They also said they will send me out a new box. Might be good for a spare box of ammo for a friends rifle! Scotty


Glad to hear that Remington stepped up to the plate. Glad that shell didn't cost you a successful hunt!

Might be good for a spare box of ammo for a friends rifle!

You have someone you are that angry with? Friends don't let friends shoot Remington ammo!
Yeah, me too Jim, but my point is, any rifle should shoot given that much extra work put into it! As for the ammo, just the LAST strike for Remington. They won't get another dime outta this guy. They have a few rifles I like, but I will not recommend one to anybody, ever again. I know it seems like I am hard on them, but I am kinda fed up. I like my CDL, but it has too many little goofs for me. Savage or Winchester from here on out. I would buy an older Remington though, seems like they really gave a crap back in the day!

Mike, I NEVER shoot factory ammo, I had to buy this little bit for a sanity check. I will never recommend Remington anything to anybody! I would let someone use it to break in a barrel or something like that, but I won't trust them again. Sorry, just my opinion. Too many other great companies out there that will back their customers up some and most put out a decent enough rifle/ammo to make hunting accuracy. Maybe it was just a bad time for Remington, but it seems like I hear alot of bad press from just a few fellers. I can't imagine how many people who don't speak up and just think it is normal. Scotty
I don't shoot factory ammo, haven't for years. If I were to buy factory ammo, it would be Nosler or Federal.

JD338":auvpvmrn said:
beretzs":auvpvmrn said:
I got ya Bill! Yeah, this M700 has made a bunch of firsts for me, some good, some bad, but all good learning points for me.

Remington is sending me pre paid postage in order to send the cartridges back though. They also said they will send me out a new box. Might be good for a spare box of ammo for a friends rifle! Scotty


Glad to hear that Remington stepped up to the plate.


About time! I got tired of hearing them say that 2 moa with my best handloads is within accuracy specs of their rifles.

Today they sent me a survey on their ammo and on their rifles. Man did I tear them a new one! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

They asked how I would be pleased with them (Not verbatim but you get it) I responded..."Make your rifles like you did before the 1990's. Back then with a minimal of attempt I could get them to do well under MOA."
I actually bought my first factory ammo in many years last month when I bought some Federal (338 Federal) because I wanted to do break-in on my new rifle and I want properly head-stamped cases. In theory, Federal brass is available. In reality, it is unavailable here in Canada.
Pop, I just filled out the same thing. It wasn't pretty. I did leave my POC if they wanted to speak to me about my comments though. I will give them a chance to speak to me.

Jim, them sending another box of ammo is too little too late. Like you I would shoot Federal, Hornady or more than likely Nosler Custom! Scotty
Fotis and Scotty,

I would be shocked if Remington called you. I hope they do and they get the message loud and clear that they need to make vast improvements, starting with their QC.

Keep us posted.

We can't be the only ones sending in the comments ???

I've actaully added additional sticky notes into the last two Remingtons I've purchased for the warranty cards -
Basically stating the same thing how poorly their product has gone down-hill in the last 15 yrs or so.

This is getting hard - the VTR may soon be out the door and a new Hoyt in it's place 8)
You guys sure are making my decision easier. Instead of the new 700 CDL SF in 6mm I am going to find a used short action Ruger Hawkeye with the Laminate stock or a Model 70 Winchester short action Extreme Weather SS and make my new 6mm Remington from one of those. I love my Ruger single-shots, and my son's Mark II. I have never owned a Model 70 before, or a Ruger MKII myself, as my son's rifle does not count!

Not sure if you guys remember the story I had about Remington ammo or if I sent it to someone on a PM. My buddy was shooting his 270 with Remington factory loads. I think they were 150 gr. corelockts. I pulled one out of the box and was going to put it into the chamber and being anal as I am I was checking the cartridge out. It wsa loaded with bullet, powder, and primer. Only bad thing was when they made the case it appears they ran out of brass on this last one. The primer was held in place just by a small 1/16 th to 1/8th inch wide piece of brass at the front edge of the primer cup. From there the brass flowed back at an angle to the edge of the cartridge case. The butt of the case at the edge was about 1/8th of an inch wide. I hate to think what would have happened if one of us would not have caught that and it fired, as it appeared that it would. There was practically nothing at the rear of the case web to hold back the gasses and powder from blowing back into the action. I sent it to them with a nasty note and they sent me another box of factory ammo, but no explination as to what might have happened. Just my Remington horror story! :evil:

My dad had a Model 700 BDL in .243 that he got for my step-mother. On two occasions, when the safety was flipped off, the rifle fired without the trigger being pulled. The first time my mom was going to shoot at an antelope and was laying down and getting ready and flipped the safety off and it went bang, on it's own! :twisted: It happened a couple years later when he had one of my sisters boys using the same rifle, same thing. He sent it immediately to Remington. They did something to it and sent it back. It's been so long that I don't remember what they did or how long it too to make it right. Not sure if I would ever trust that rifle again. Another friend of my father's was hunting by himself thank God and he was leaving his truck and his rifle was on the passenger side laying up against the seat with the muzzle pointed down. He had all his stuff on and reached across the seat to get his rifle and as he had the rifle in his hands, he still had the barrel pointed in the cab towards the floor on the passenger side. He put a shell in the chamber and was going to put it on safe and carry the rifle on a walk. When he closed the bolt, it went bang! The bullet went down through the floorboards and hit his aluminum rim on his right front tire on his truck. The rim just exploded and the hub dropped down onto what was left of the rim. Guess he had a heck of a time getting the wheel lugs loose and getting it jacked up to put his spare tire on. Safety's and rifles are mechanical and they have parts that fail and do go bad, but these three cases sure make a guy a little nervous. Always keep your muzzle pointed in a safe direction, finger off the trigger, safety on until ready to shoot. I hate to tell all this as I have owned and do own a Remington or two and I love them. My Remington Model 600 Centennial is a charished rifle but even it had some sort of recall on the safety and I had to take it to a certified Remington Armorer as there was a recall on them that I did not find out about until I had used this rifle for years when I just happened to catch word of it. Now that's spooky stuff!

6mm You might want to consider an Rem 700 ADL to build your project on.
All bad thing aside the rem 700 is a joy to build on. I think it is just that the factory barrels suck the pig's meat! :mrgreen: