Range day.......


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Went out today with a bunch of guns. I decided to do some 200 yard shooting.

270 WBY--- 140 AB at 3275 fps and 1.5" at 200 I adjusted the scope for that distance and I got a group dead on of .8"/200

I tried several groups with my 30-378. Best group was with:

180 etips at 3450 fps and 1.8"/200. Tried the 200 AB and got 2" groups at 200.

Then I shot my 32 Win special pre 64 with peep sights.

170 gr with Leverevolution powder at 2300 fps.
Small clusters at 50 yards and I hit 8x11 white paper at 200 consistently.

I just have to work on the 30-378. Seating depth for now.
Very nice Fotis! Seems like that 270 is shooting pretty well.

I love to hear about the older lever rifles still making money! Great shooting, that is enough accuracy to handle anything that rifle is made for. What bullet were you shooting in it? Scotty
170 hornady with 38 gr of lever evolution.
Shooting is fun, and it seems you're having some good success. Particularly with the .270 Wby... Nice!
Looks as if you have a very successful day. You have to love that 270 Bee. It is giving you enviable groups.
Sounds better than good to me. Your shooting skills are also very good, the rifle can't do it by its self. Great shooting from the rifles and the shooter.